African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12500

Full Length Research Paper

Optimization of carbon dioxide fixation and starch accumulation by Tetraselmis subcordiformis in a rectangular airlift photobioreactor

Yang Zheng1,2, Zhaoan Chen1, Hongbin Lu1 and Wei Zhang 1,3*
  1Marine Bio-products Engineering Group, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China. 2Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China. 3Flinders Centre for Marine Bioprocessing and Bioproducts, School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA 5042, Australia
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 21 February 2011
  •  Published: 07 March 2011



Culture conditions are very important to CO2 bio-fixation and carbohydrate accumulation in microalgae. The objective of this study was to optimize semi-continuous culture conditions of Tetraselmis subcordiformis in a rectangular airlift photobioreactor for obtaining maximized carbon dioxide fixation rate and intracellular starch productivity. The effects of the initial biomass concentration (0.13, 0.8, 1.8, 2.8 and 3.47 g L-1), the gas flow rate (0.03, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.37 V V-1 m-1) and different carbon dioxide concentrations (1.63, 5, 10, 15 and 18.37%) were considered using a central composite design. By using response surface methodology and the desirability function approach, the optimal CO2 fixation rate of 55.15 mg L-1 h-1 and the intracellular starch productivity of 10.66 mg L-1 h-1occurred when the initial biomass concentration was 1120 mg L-1 and the air supplemental CO2 concentration was 6.9% with a gas flow rate of 0.35 V V-1 m-1. These results suggest the potential of applying T. subcordiform to CO2 mitigation and starch production.


Key words: Photobioreactor, CO2 fixation rate, starch productivity, response surface methodology, desirability function approach.