March 2010
Psoriasis: A review of the role of serotonergic system
Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, is not yet curable, and its precise causes remain unclear. Nevertheless, several lines of evidence support that psoriasis is a multifactorial disease. Because psoriasis occurs in connection with stress and mood disorders, the genes in serotonergic system may be involved in psoriasis with regard to etiology and pathogenesis. Such molecular impacts supported by scientific...
March 2010
The developments of anaerobic baffled reactor for wastewater treatment: A review
With the increasing deterioration of world water resources, configuring a technical and economic viable wastewater treatment and recycle technology to satisfying the increasing complexity of wastewater and stringent environmental regulation has been a great challenge over the past decades. Developing reliable technologies for wastewater treatment is of urgent importance. In recent years, anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR)...
March 2010
The progress of intersubgenomic heterosis studies in Brassica napus
The new nomenclature of Brassica has been suggested in a previous study by same authours where the symbols of Ar, Aj and An represented the A genome in theBrassica rapa, Brassica juncea and Brassica napus, Bb, Bj and Bc for the B genome of Brassica nigra (black mustard), B. juncea and Brassica carinata, Co, Cnand Cc for the C...
March 2010
Phytic acid: How far have we come?
Phytic acid is a major storage form of phosphorous. Obvious reasons are there to favor its reduced concentration in organisms. However, certain justifications can also be settled, in order to support its increased natural concentration. In both cases, there are questions to be answered to favor one side while alleviating the harm of neglecting the other. This article reviews our current state of understanding of phytic...
March 2010
Diversity and industrial potential of hydrolase-producing halophilic/halotolerant eubacteria
Halophilic and haloterant eubacteria have been isolated from different marine and hypersaline environments. Halophilic eubacteria also occur in environments typified by more than one soda lakes which are both hypersaline and extremely alkaline. These organisms have been shown to produce a wide array of hydrolytic enzymes including proteases, amylases, xylanases, cellulases as well as lipases and DNases. These enzymes...
March 2010
Prediction and analysis of the secreteomic in Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032
Corynebacterium glutamicum is an outstanding organism used for amino acid production. Its ability to secrete L-glutamate has been known for almost fifty years now. The complete nucleotide sequence of C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 genome was previously determined and allowed the reliable prediction of 3056 protein-coding genes within this genome using computational methods. The 3056 open reading frames (ORFs)...
March 2010
Heterotic analysis using AFLP markers reveals moderate correlations between specific combining ability and genetic distance in maize inbred lines
Heterotic breeding strategies in maize (Zea mays L.) can be improved if high specific combining abilities in hybrid performance and a DNA marker-based genetic distance in the inbred lines is correlated, and hence heterosis can reliably be predicted. In this study, the genetic diversity across 9 elite maize inbred lines was evaluated using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker. The genetic...
March 2010
Effects of different substrates on the yield and protein content of Pleurotus tuberregium
The effects of seven substrates for the cultivation, yield and protein content of the mushroom, Pleurotus tuberregium (Fries) Singer were investigated. The experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) of 7 treatments and 10 replicates. The highest fresh weight yield was obtained from mushrooms grown in river sand and sawdust mixture (T6) while the least was from those grown in top soil mixed...
March 2010
Abscisic acid (ABA)-mediated inhibition of seed germination involves a positive feedback regulation of ABA biosynthesis in Arachis hypogaea L.
Abscisic acid (ABA) plays an important role in seed dormancy, embryo development and adaptation to environmental stresses. We found that imbibition of exogenous ABA by peanut seeds led to a significant increase in the levels of bothAhNCED1 gene [a key gene encoding nine-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) involved in ABA biosynthesis in peanut] transcript and endogenous ABA in germinating seeds, and...
March 2010
Direct shoot organogenesis of Digitalis trojana Ivan., an endemic medicinal herb of Turkey
An efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of Digitalis trojana Ivan. was developed via adventitious shoot regeneration. Leaf explants were cultured on MS which were supplemented with different concentrations of NAA (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg/ml) and BAP (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 mg/ml) for shoot formation. Adventitious shoots were formed on leaf explants within three weeks in culture. The best shoot...
March 2010
Role of cooperative companies in sustainable rice production and poverty alleviation in Guilan state of Iran
A bacterium, Pseudomonas lubricans, isolated from heavy metal laden industrial wastewater, has been shown to tolerate multiple heavy metals suggesting its importance in bioremediation of industrial effluents. P. lubricans tolerated As(III) up to 3 mg ml-1, Cu2+ up to 0.7 mg ml-1, Hg2+ up to 0.4 mg ml-1, Ni2+ up to 0.4 mg ml-1 and Cr6+ up to 0.5 mg ml-1. P....
March 2010
Participatory consumer evaluation of twelve sweetpotato varieties in Kenya
Eleven improved sweetpotato varieties; “Kemb10, SPK004, Mugande, Namaswakhe, K117, Polista, Bungoma, Odinga, 292-H-12, Zapallo” and “Nyathi Odiewo (improved) ”, were tested against four popular farmer varieties; “Nyathi Odiewo (local), Jayalo, Amina and Kuny kibuonjo” for consumer preference. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments...
March 2010
Comparison of stability statistics for yield in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Analysis of multienvironment trials (METs) of crops for cultivar evaluation and recommendation is an important issue in plant breeding research. Evaluating both stability of performance and high yield is essential in MET analyses. The objectives of this study were to assess interrelationship among these measures and to identify high-yield and stable barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars in 11 environments during...
March 2010
Protective effect of nitric oxide against arsenic-induced oxidative damage in tall fescue leaves
Nitric oxide (NO) is a key molecule involved in many physiology processes. The effects of NO on alleviating arsenic-induced oxidative damage in tall fescue leaves were investigated. Arsenic (25 μM) treatment induced significantly accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and led to serious lipid peroxidation in tall fescue leaves and the application of 100 μM SNP before arsenic stress resulted in alleviated...
March 2010
Investigation of timber harvesting mechanization progress in Turkey
This study was aimed at investigating different timber transportation methods and harvesting mechanization progress level of Turkey. Furthermore, major problems of timber harvesting in Turkey and the future principles and objectives were defined.Timber harvesting in Turkey is still carried out by manual methods due to economical, social and environmental constraints. Almost 80% of harvesting activities are...
March 2010
Selection of local extremophile lactic acid bacteria with high capacity to degrade lactose: Potential use to reduce intolerance to lactose in vitro
This study is related to the isolation and identification of strains of local thermophilic lactic acid bacteria belonging to the species, Streptococcus thermophilus andLactobacillus bulgaricus. These bacteria can exist under extreme conditions of the digestive tract (acidity and high concentration of bile salts) and have a high capacity to degrade lactose. The aim is to produce yoguort with the bacteria...
March 2010
Determination of antibiotic susceptibility and fatty acid methyl ester profiles of Bacillus cereus strains isolated from different food sources in Turkey
In this study, a total of 77 Bacillus cereus isolates were obtained from four different food samples (58 raw milks, 8 chickens, 7 cereals and 4 meats) consumed in Turkey by using Chromogenic Bacillus Cereus Agar (Oxoid, CM1036). They were tested for susceptibilities to a total of 10 different antibiotics (penicillin, oxacillin, sulphamethoxazole, rifampicin, apromycin, amikacin, tobramycin, kanamycin,...
March 2010
Pulp and paper production from Spruce wood with kraft and modified kraft methods
In this study, kraft and modified kraft pulping methods were applied for spruce(Picea orientalis) wood collected from the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Fiber properties, carbohydrate contents, strength and optical properties of resultant paper were included to determine the properties of these pulp samples. Optimum kraft, kraft-borohydride (NaBH4), kraft-anthraquinone (AQ) and kraft-ethanol pulping conditions were...
March 2010
Analysis of preliminary phytochemical screening of Typhonium flagelliforme
Typhonium flagelliforme (Araceae) is a medicinal herb which is endowed with curative properties against a variety of illness including injuries, oedema, coughs, pulmonary ailments, bleeding and cancer. In order to assess its phytochemical components, an experiment was conducted on one to six month old ex vitro and in vitro extracts of T. flagelliforme. The active (ex...
March 2010
Patterns of cephalic indexes in three West African populations
Several craniometric studies involving Caucasian, Mongoloid and Americans have been conducted and its usefulness in facilitating proper identification of skeletal remains and in emphasizing a common origin of studied populations cannot be overemphasized. This study involved 699 (male 361; female 338) volunteer students of Delta State University whose age ranged 18 years and over. Respondents were selected along three...
March 2010
In vivo activities of Baicalin against Chlamydia trachomatis
Our previous studies have shown that Baicalin could effectively inhibit Chlamydia trachomatis in vitro. In this study, Baicalin was tested for potential antichlamydial activity using a murine genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection model. It was demonstrated that Baicalin significantly reduced C. trachomatis loading in BALB/c mice that were vaginally infected with the pathogen. On the basis...
March 2010
Effect of Zn(II) deposition in soil on mulberry-silk worm food chain
The present study was conducted to evaluate the entrance of Zn(II) into the food chain of Bombyx mori (silk worm) from mulberry plants irrigated using Zn(II) containing synthetic effluents. The soil, plant, silkworm and their excreta were sampled to determine Zn(II) amount by using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The amount of Zn(II) deposited by synthetic effluent to soil was increased with pH of the...
March 2010
Effects of insecticide spray application on insect pest infestation and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in the Transkei, South Africa
Field studies were conducted during the 2008 - 2009 cropping season to determine the minimal insecticide application which can reduce cowpea yield losses on the field due to insect pest infestations in the Transkei region of South Africa. Treatments consisted of five cowpea varieties and four regimes of insecticide spray which were laid out with a split-plot experimental design with four replications....
March 2010
A simple method for quantification of interferon-α2b through surface plasmon resonance technique
A rapid and efficient immunoassay method for quantification of interferon-α2b using surface plasmon resonance was developed with BIAcore 3000 as a sensor. Two different levels of anti-interferon monoclonal antibody were immobilized onto a CM5 chip using an amine coupling method. Similar binding ratio was observed for both the ligand densities. There was no steric hindrance and loss of antibody activity even at...
March 2010
Evaluation of human body comfortableness under vibrate condition by muscle oxygenation and surface electromyography (SEMG) parameter
To efficiently evaluate the influences on human body comfortableness under different vibrative condition, the paper comprehensively applied the surface electromyography (SEMG) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology and obtained the relationship between mean power frequency (MPF) and regional tissue oxygen saturation (rSO2) and acceleration, frequency, time and amplitude through experiments on...
March 2010
Microbial quality of some herbal solid dosage forms
Herbal remedies are widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and often contain highly active pharmacological compounds. These products have the potential of contamination with different microorganisms. This is due to raw materials contamination and unhygienic production conditions. In this study, microbiological quality of some herbal solid dosage forms from public markets, in the city of Sari,...
March 2010
Conversion of sorghum stover into animal feed with white-rot fungi: Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus pulmonarius
Treatment of crop residues with some species of white-rot fungi can enhance the nutritive value. After the fungal treatment of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) stover with two white-rot fungi in a solid state fermentation, the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of the resultant substrate was determined. The results show a significant (p < 0.05) increase in crude protein contents from 2.54% for the...
March 2010
Two maternal origins of Chinese domestic light-body type goose
China is particularly rich in goose genetic resources. The systemic study of genetic diversity and origin of Chinese indigenous geese will provide important scientific basis for the conservation, utilization of resources and human history. The 521 bp control region (D-loop) of mitochondrial DNA from 13 light-body type breeds was sequenced. The results showed that in the D-loop region of the 13 gray goose breeds, the...