January 2010
Potential of mathematical modeling in fruit quality
A review of mathematical modeling applied to fruit quality showed that these models ranged in resolution from simple yield equations to complex representations of processes as respiration, photosynthesis and assimilation of nutrients. The latter models take into account complex genotype-environment interactions to estimate their effects on growth and yield. Recently, models are used to estimate seasonal changes in...
January 2010
A plasma membrane H+ATPase gene is germination-induced in wheat embryos
The expression pattern of a germination specific plasma membrane H+-ATPase was analyzed by RT-PCR and in situ RNA hybridization methods. RT-PCR results revealed that germination specific plasma membrane H+-ATPase accumulation was detectable in all organs and tissues of germinating wheat embryos. H+-ATPase expression was not observed in dry wheat embryos and in immature wheat embryos. In...
January 2010
Characterization and intraspecific variation of Fusarium semitectum (Berkeley and Ravenel) associated with red-fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus [Weber] Britton and Rose) in Malaysia
A total of 79 isolates of Fusarium semitectum were characterized by morphological and IGS-RFLP analysis to assess its intraspecific variation. Based on morphological characteristics, the isolates of F. semitectum were classified into 2 distinct groups, morphotypes I and II. Morphotype I was characterized by longer macroconidia (3 - septate: 31.03 ± 2.57 µm; 5 - septate: 40.17...
January 2010
Effect of promoter strength and signal sequence on the periplasmic expression of human interferon-α2b in Escherichia coli
Two plasmids, pFLAG-ATS and pET 26b(+), were studied for the periplasmic expression of recombinant human interferon-α2b (IFN-α2b) in Escherichia coli. The pFLAG-ATS contains ompA signal sequence and tac promoter while pET 26b(+) contains pelB signal sequence and T7lac promoter. It was observed that periplasmic expression of IFN-α2b from pET 26b(+) was around 3000 times...
January 2010
Analysis of genetic diversity and estimation of inbreeding coefficient within Caspian horse population using microsatellite markers
The present study was undertaken to genetically evaluate Caspian horses for genetic diversity and to asses whether they have experienced recent population bottlenecks. A total of 100 individuals were characterized for within breed diversity using 16 microsatellite markers. The estimated mean number of alleles was 8.69 per locus, with a total of 139 alleles in the genotyped sample. The mean effective number of...
January 2010
Protective roles of nitric oxide on antioxidant systems in tall fescue leaves under high-light stress
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important molecule involved in many physiological processes. In this study, the effect of NO on oxidative damage caused by high levels of light was investigated in tall fescue leaves. Tall fescue was developed in relative low light intensity (100 μmol m-2 s-1) for 21 days and then transferred to high light (500 μmol m-2 s-1). Tall fescue leaves was supplied with NO...
January 2010
A research on determining the friction losses formed in the small diameter floppy polythene pipe lines
In pressured irrigation systems, water flowing in pipes is stable from the point of view of the hydraulic and it gradually decrease through the pipe lines. In sprinkler irrigation systems, sprinkler head pressure through the pipe line is different due to friction and local losses formed in parts of the pipes between sequent sprinkler heads and the differences resulting from slope. Generally, sprinkler head...
January 2010
A simple metaphase chromosome preparation from meristematic root tip cells of wheat for karyotyping or in situ hybridization
In this study, a simple and efficient metaphase chromosome preparation method from wheat was described which can also be applied on most other plants. The act of not using hydrolyzing chemicals such as hydrochloric acid in this method made the samples suitable for C-banding and in situ hybridization as well. Squeezing out the meristematic cells from the root tip region on to the surface of the slide...
January 2010
Concentrations of heavy metals in effluent discharges downstream of Ikpoba river in Benin City, Nigeria
Various effluent samples were collected from their sources of discharge to the Ikpoba river in Benin City, Edo State between September and October, 2008. Six heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc) in the effluents and receiving water were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometric technique (AAS) in separate experiments. The concentrations of heavy metals in the effluents were...
January 2010
Flavonoid, hesperidine, total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities from Citrus species
Citrus has long been regarded as a food and also as a medicinal plant. Fruits of four species of citrus which are commonly available in Malaysia, namely C. hystrix(wild lime), C. aurantifolia (common lime), C. microcarpa (musk lime) and C. sinensis (orange), were chosen to investigate their total phenolic, flavonoid and hesperidine contents. Additionally, the...
January 2010
Influence of metal elements on the evolution of CO and CH4 during the pyrolysis of sawdust
Metal elements in biomass ash have been considered to affect the decomposition of large molecule during the pyrolysis of biomass. In this paper, effect of metal elements on the evolution of carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4) was investigated during the pyrolysis of sawdust in a fixed bed reactor and species were detected by Fourier Transform Infrared analyzer. Results showed that all the metal additions...
January 2010
Phytochemicals and in vitro antioxidant potentials of defatted methanolic extract of Holarrhena floribunda leaves
Plant-based dietary components and additives are known to protect cells from deleterious effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Proximate, phytochemical and antioxidant potentials of methanolic extract of defatted Holarrhena floribunda(G.Don) leaves were assessed using in vitro systems such as, 1,1 diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide radical...
January 2010
Application of a stir-tank bioreactor for perfusion culture and continuous harvest of Glycyrrhiza inflata suspension cells
We developed a perfusion stir-tank bioreactor that allowed continuous cultivation and harvest of plant cells and challenged for Glycyrrhiza inflata cell suspensions. Continuous separation of cell cultures from the medium occurred using a gravitational sedimentation column. We then conducted cell retention studies of this bioreactor by detecting the cell loss in the discarded medium. We determined...
January 2010
Studies on bioemulsifier production by Bacillus licheniformis PTCC 1595
Surfactants are amphipathic molecules which reduce surface and interfacial tensions and widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and petroleum industries. Biosurfactants are the structurally diverse group of surface-active molecules synthesized by microorganisms. There are several advantages for biosurfactants in contrast with chemical surfactants, such as lower toxicity; higher biodegradability; better...
January 2010
DNA damage and plasma homocysteine levels are associated with serum metabolites and mineral constituents’ profiles in children with persistent diarrhea
This study describes the association between levels of DNA damage and homocysteine (Hcy) in persistent diarrheic (PD) patients and correlates them with serum biochemical metabolites and mineral components. PD patients (n = 36) age 4 - 6 years from Faisalabad hospitals were examined for anthropometric factors, plasma biochemical and mineral constituents. Compared to 36 normal controls, children with PD had...
January 2010
Seasonal variations of sexual activity of local bucks in western Algeria
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the seasonal variation of sexual activity among bucks of local breed (Arbia) in western Algeria. The experiment was carried out using eight bucks aged between 4 and 6 years, a group of males in their pre-puberty age (4 to 6 months) and two females. Animals were kept in a building during one year and fed with a constant ration of wheat and hay with free access to...
January 2010
Phenotypic characterisation and molecular polymorphism of indigenous poultry populations of the species Gallus gallus of Savannah and Forest ecotypes of Benin
The study of the phenotypic characterisation and molecular polymorphism of local chicken populations was carried out in Benin on 326 chickens of the Forest ecological area and 316 of the Savannah ecological area, all were 7 months old at least. The collection of blood for the molecular typing was achieved on 121 indigenous chickens of which 60 from the Savannah ecological area and 61 from the Forest...