African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12491

Table of Content: 23 November, 2016; 15(47)

November 2016

A review of cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale L.) apple: Effects of processing techniques, properties and quality of juice

A review including the processing techniques, properties and uses of cashew apple juice is reported. Cashew apple has multi-purpose; it can be processed to obtain human food. The process of cashew apple into several by-products can affect its nutritional, microbiological, and sensorial quality attributes. Therefore, clarification methods, thermal treatment and high hydrostatic pressure modify nutritional,...

Author(s): Emmanuelle Dedehou, Joseph Dossou, Victor Anihouvi and Mohamed M. Soumanou

November 2016

Effect of whey storage on physicochemical properties, microstructure and texture profile of ricotta cheese

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of whey storage period (0, 24, 48 and 72 h) on the physicochemical parameters, color, texture and microstructure of fresh ricotta during storage. Sweet whey and acid whey were evaluated based on titratable acidity, pH, fat, cryoscopy, and density, while ricotta was based on yield, fat, protein, ash, acidity, pH, moisture, total solids, color, texture, and microstructure....

Author(s): Jéssica Leal Freitas Souza, Marco Antônio Pereira da Silva, Rânio Cesar Francisco da Silva, Ruthele Moraes do Carmo, Rodolfo Gomes de Souza, Juliana Aparecida Célia, Kênia Borges de Oliveira, Geovana Rocha Plácido, Moacir Evandro Lage and Edmar Soares Nicolau

November 2016

Influence of vermicompost humic acid on chlorophyll content and acclimatization in banana clone, Enano Guantanamero

Vermicompost humic acids (VHA) promote plants’ growth because they have similar effects with auxins. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of VHA in some physiological indicators in the micropropagation and acclimatization phase of banana clone Enano Guantanamero. Six concentrations were used (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg L-1) to evaluate in vitro the number of leaves, total chlorophyll content and...

Author(s): Marcia Beatriz Moya Fernández, Esteban Sánchez Chávez, Daniel Cabezas Montero, Andrés Calderín García, Dany Marrero López, Eduardo F. Héctor Ardisana and Sandra Pérez Álvarez

November 2016

Study of genetic determinism of harvest index in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) under semi-arid conditions

Out of six varieties of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), two local varieties with a low harvest index and four others with high harvest indices and short straw imported from France were studied in a diallel cross. The experiment was done in a complete randomized block design with three replications. It was done at the Research Station of the Institute of Technical Big Cultures of Khemis Miliana, located in the...

Author(s): Bousalhih, B., Mekliche, L., Aissat, A. and Sadek Benabbes Halim

November 2016

Comparative phylogenetic analysis of intergenic spacers and small subunit rRNA gene sequences of two microsporidian isolates from Antheraea myllita

Two microsporidian isolates extracted from infected tasar silkworms (Antheraea mylitta)  collected from forest area in Deoghar district, Jharkhand, India were subjected to PCR amplification using intergenic spacer (IGS) region and small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene specific primers followed by cloning and sequencing. The IGS and SSU-rRNA gene sequences were analysed to derive the identity of the microspoidian...

Author(s): Wazid Hassan, B. Surendra Nath and Geetha N. Murthy

November 2016

Isolation and characterization of methanogenic bacteria from brewery wastewater in Kenya

The production of biogas from renewable resources is becoming a prominent feature of most developed and developing countries of the world. A study was undertaken to characterize methanogenic microbial community found in brewery waste water. Their performance with regards to methane production was also studied. Thirty-two isolates were obtained using brewer thyglycollate agar medium. Characterization of the isolates was...

Author(s): Sylvia Injete Murunga, Duncan Onyango Mbuge, Ayub Njoroge Gitau, Urbanus Ndungwa. Mutwiwa and Ingrid Namae Wekesa

November 2016

Production of alkaline proteases by alkalophilic Bacillus subtilis during recycling animal and plant wastes

The production of extracellular alkaline protease by Bacillus subtilis was studied with submerged fermentation. A new strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from alkaline soil, which was able to produce extracellular alkaline protease. The production of alkaline protease involved the use of agricultural or animal wastes at pH 8 and temperatures at 37°C. Results showed that growing B. subtilis sub sp. subtilis under...

Author(s): Amira Hassan Al-Abdalall and Eida Marshid Al-Khaldi