African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 5 November 2007; 6(21)

November 2007

Attitudes to malaria, prevention, treatment and management strategies associated with the prevalence of malaria in a Nigerian urban center

This study investigates the basic factors responsible for human-mosquito interaction, attitudinal consequences of malaria treatment pattern and management strategies in an urban center. Questionnaires were issued to the volunteers whose age range between 15 and 40 years which constitute 44.5% males and 55.5% females. These include questions about knowledge of mosquito, prevention practices, treatment methods and illness...

Author(s): Oyewole, Isaac O. and Ibidapo, Adejoke C.

November 2007

Weight reduction with improvement of serum lipid profile and ratios of Sesamum radiatum leaves diet in a non-obese Sprague Dawley rats

Development of novel natural dietary adjunct/agent with significant therapeutic effects on metabolic disease conditions such as obesity and heart disease raises concern in recent times. We studied chronic toxicity of the combined active ingredients present in the sesame leaves and their interaction on the fasting serum lipid profiles with their ratios in thirty adult male non-obese Sprague Dawley (SD)...

Author(s): Lukeman A. J. Shittu, Munir A. Bankole , Olufemi A. Ogundipe, A.K. Falade, Remilekun K. Shittu, Marian N. Bankole, Titilade A. Ahmed, Tayo A.O., Oladapo A. Ashiru

November 2007

Evaluation of the effect of ethanolic extract of Croton zambesicus on the testes of Swiss albino mice

The possible effect of Croton zambesicus administration on vital organs has been less investigated despite its extensive traditional use in tropical Africa. We therefore aim at elucidating the effect of ethanolic extract on the testes. The aqueous fraction of ethanolic leaf extract of C. zambesicus (5 and 10 mg/Kg body weight) was administered to verify its effect on sperm concentration, sperm...

Author(s): Ofusori, D. A., Oluwayinka, O. P., Adelakun, A. E., Keji S.T., Oluyemi, K. A., Adesanya O. A., Ajeigbe K.O and Ayoka, A. O.

November 2007

Supracondylar and infratubercular processes observed in the humeri of Nigerians

We present the first recorded supracondylar and infratubercular processes of humerus among Nigerians of the West African nation. Morphometrical analyses of 40 humeri (20 left and 20 rights) were conducted. One of the humeri possesses the supracondylar spine which measures 1.6 cm and stands at 100o on the anteromedial surface 5.5 cm above the medial epicondyle and exactly midway between the medial epicondyle and...

Author(s): Oluyemi Kayode A, Okwuonu Uche C, Adesanya Olamide A, Akinola Oluwole B, Ofusori David A, Ukwenya Victor O. and Odion Blessing I

November 2007

Biofuel characteristics of beniseed (Sesanum indicum) oil

Local method was used to extract oil from beniseed (Sesanum indicum). Laboratory experiments were carried out to characterize the oil. Transesterification of beniseed to produced methyl ester which had fuel properties similar to common biofuels, hence beniseed could be utilized as an alternative renewable energy resource.     Key word: Sesanum indicum, biofuel, flashpoint, pour point, cloud point,...

Author(s): Fariku, S., Ndonya, A.E., and Bitrus, P.Y.

November 2007

In vitro basal and nodal microtuberization in yam shoot cultures (Discorea rotundata poir, cv. Obiaoturugo) under nutritional stress conditions

Single nodal explants excised from vines of greenhouse-grown white Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata poir cv Obiaoturugo) were initiated in vitro on a medium consisting of Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) basal salt supplemented with Gamborg’s B5 vitamins, 0.5 µM benzylamino purine (BAP), 0.1 µM naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 0.2 µM gibberellic acid (GA3), 20...

Author(s): Mbanaso, E.N.A., Chukwu, L.I. and Opara, M.U.A.

November 2007

Antagonistic properties of Trichoderma viride on post harvest cassava root rot pathogens

The effective in vitro screening tests of Trichoderma viride for antagonism against post harvest pathogens of cassava roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz) rot together with its competitive and mycoparasitic abilities informs its selection as the most promising candidate for the biocontrol of post harvest cassava root rot pathogens. While the percentage germination of the spores were observed to...

Author(s): Ubalua, A. O. and Oti, E.

November 2007

Optimization of laboratory scale production and purification of microcystin-LR from pure cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa

Microcystin is the most common of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxins with more than 65 known variants. Increased nutrient loading of fresh and coastal water bodies has lead to an increased occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms, many of which are microcystin producing. Due to a limited commercial supply of, and difficulties in obtaining, microcystin standards, there has been an increased interest in production of purified...

Author(s): Phelan R. R. and Downing T. G.

November 2007

Comparative d2/d3 LSU–rDNA sequence study of some Iranian Pratylenchus loosi populations

The D2/D3 LSU rDNA expansion segment of 13 isolates attaching tea shrubs roots in tea gardens that verified by morphological and morphometrical studies as Pratylenchus loosi Loof, 1960 from Guilan province, North of Iran, were amplified and sequenced. Amplification of the D2/D3 LSU rDNA expansion segments yielded one fragment at over all sequenced isolates as 787 bp in size. The DNA sequences were...

Author(s): Behzad Hajieghrari, Mousa Torabi-Giglou and Lieven Waeyenberge

November 2007

Targeted mutagenesis in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. and Cucumeropsis mannii (NAUD) in Nigeria

The mutagenic effects of 0.2% aqueous solution of colchicine on gross and micromophological features of seedlings of Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp. andCucumeropsis mannii (Naud.) were investi-gated. Terminal buds of two-week old seedlings were assaulted with 0.2% colchicine by the cotton plug and micro syringe methods and performances were monitored until maturity. Colchicine-treated V....

Author(s): Obute, Gordian C., Ndukwu, B. C. and Chukwu, O. Florence

November 2007

Chemical composition and functional properties of flour produced from two varieties of tigernut (Cyperus esculentus)

The chemical composition and functional properties of flour produced from two varieties (yellow and brown) of tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) seeds were studied. The seeds were obtained in dried form, sorted, wet cleaned, dried, milled and sieved to produce flour. The flours were tagged YTF and BTF for yellow and brown varieties, respectively. The protein contents of YTF and BTF were 7.15 and 9.70%, respectively. BTF has...

Author(s): Oladele A. K. and Aina J. O.

November 2007

Physical and chemical characteristics of off vine ripened mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit (Dodo)

The need to develop the best off vine mango ripening technique for both consumption and processing was investigated. Some physical and chemical measurements were performed on mature Green Dodo mangoes before and during a 3-day and 6-day ripening period by smoked pit ripening (SPR), ethylene (fruit generated) pit ripening (EPR), untreated pit ripening (UPR) and room temperature ripening (RTR) as a control method. The...

Author(s): Mamiro Peter, Fweja Leonard, Chove Bernard, Kinabo Joyce, George Victor, Mtebe Kaswija

November 2007

Nutritional evaluation of palm kernel meal types: 1. Proximate composition and metabolizable energy values

Studies were conducted to determine the proximate composition and metabolizable energy values of palm kernel meal (PKM) types. The PKM types studied were obtained from Okomu, Presco and Envoy Oil Mills and were either mechanically or solvent extracted using different varieties of palm kernels. Samples of PKM types were assayed for proximate composition and the results obtained indicated that Okomu, Presco and Envoy PKM...

Author(s): Emeka Vincent Ezieshi and Julius Mark Olomu

November 2007

Determination of isoquinoline alkaloids contents in two Algerian species of Fumaria (Fumaria capreolata and Fumaria bastardi)

This paper describes a fast and efficient procedure to separate and identify isoquinoline alkaloids from methalonic extract of two Algerian Fumaria (Fumariacea) species (Fumaria capreolata L. and Fumaria bastardi L.) used in traditional medicine in cases of hepatobiliary disfunction and diarrhoea. Total quinolizidine alkaloid contents were 426 mg/100 g (F. capreolata) and 521 mg/100 g (F....

Author(s): Fadila Maiza-Benabdesselam, Mohamed Chibane, Khodir Madani, Henry Max and Sandrine Adach

November 2007

Alkaline Protease from Bacillus firmus 7728

Extracellular alkaline protease producing Bacillus firmus MTCC 7728 was isolated from the soil samples taken from the leather factories in Nacharam industrial area, Hyderabad. Maximum activity was found after 48 h of fermentation. Optimum pH and temperature for maximum enzyme activity were 9 and 40°C, respectively. The potential of mesophilic alkaline protease produced by Bacillus firmus MTCC...

Author(s): Kiranmayee Rao and M. Lakshmi Narasu

November 2007

Transesterification of Jatropha oil using immobilized Pseudomonas fluorescens

Transesterification of vegetable oils is an important reaction that produces fatty acid alkyl esters, methyl and ethyl esters which are excellent substitutes for diesel fuel. Biodiesel prepared by catalyzed mild transesterification has become of much current interest for alternative fuel production. In the present study the ability of a commercial immobilized Pseudomonas fluorescens MTCC 103 to catalyze the...

Author(s): M.G. Devanesan, T. Viruthagiri, and N. Sugumar