African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4199

Table of Content: 14 September, 2017; 11(17)

September 2017

Development of market opportunities through post-harvest processing of the African indigenous vegetables in Tanzania

African indigenous vegetables (AIVs) have gained prominence in the recent past due to nutritional and health benefits. The low requirement for high value inputs has enabled low resource farmers to practice AIVs production. There have been improvements in the production of high quality AIVs seeds as well as more production of the AIVs leaf and fruits. As a consequence, there are occasional gluts of the AIVs leaf and...

Author(s): Richard Musebe, Daniel Karanja, Srinivasulu Rajendran, Radegunda Kessy, Monica Kansiime, Damas Marandu, Silivesta Samali, Jacqueline Nicodemus, Ngoni Nenguwo, Ruth Chiwanga and Peter Makuya

September 2017

Information and communication technology and the exploration of regional economic information: an analysis of the economic strategy of the regional investment center of Agadir, Souss-Massa Region, Morocco

Communication has long been considered in light of social facts, territory and economic development. The techniques and practices it involves gradually cover the regional scope. The examination of this convergence is necessary not only in terms of the empirical approach that framework the appearance and development of information and communication technology, but also in terms of the practices engendered. From this...

Author(s): Khalid Benamara, Abdelkader Hermas, and Said Chakouk

September 2017

How do nurses perceive their cultural diversity? An exploratory case study

Due to its effect on both individual outcomes like job mobility, job satisfaction, job involvement and fair remuneration on the one hand and organizational outcomes like employees’ attendance, turnover, cynicism and performance on the other, diversity has become a rising trend more than ever before. The concept is no longer limited to Western countries but has become popular in many parts of the world. This study...

Author(s): Mohamed Mousa

September 2017

Impairment of goodwill, IAS 36 and determinants of mandatory disclosure in Italian listed companies

Disclosure allows investors to understand financial performance. The study provides findings on the level of compliance of mandatory disclosure concerning the impairment of goodwill under IFRS and its determinants.  The examined sample is composed of 145 Italian listed entities. Size variables, performance variables and amortization of goodwill variables were tested in order to verify the determinant of the...

Author(s): Alain Devalle, Fabio Rizzato and Pietro Pisoni