African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4199

Table of Content: 7 May, 2013; 7(17)

May 2013

Can management technology reduce poverty? Some evidences from Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Much effort has been put in by scholars and researchers in understanding the nature, dimension and consequences of poverty. Also theoretical as well as practical solutions have been suggested; specially designed projects and programmes have been put in place by successive governments to tackle the problem of poverty as well. However, the relationship between...

Author(s): Ibrahim Gerarh Umaru and Sam B.A. Tende

May 2013

Value relevance of accounting information: A case of Karachi stock exchange listed companies in Pakistan

As one of the basic components of economic growth and development in every country, the capital market is responsible for optimal allocation of capital. For the correct guidance of the decisions along the optimal allocation of capital, information has a main role and financial reports are of the most important information resources. So, in the present study, effort is on studying the effect of competition in the...

Author(s): Faisal Shahzad, Babar Zaheer and Muhammad Anees

May 2013

Accumulation of human capital and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in ASEAN-3 countries (Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia)

The event of globalization and the increasing inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) to developing countries create a potential for technology transfers and spillovers which suggest a potential for future growth of human capital, and output. There is a noticeable lack of empirical findings in the literature on the impact of FDI on the accumulation of human capital in developing countries. In this...

Author(s): Heirsh Soltanpanah and Mohammad Sharif Karimi

May 2013

Planning new management approach for milk production using the SWOT and the Fuzzy AHP model: A case study in the Sistan and Baloochestan province, Iran

This study is aimed at recognizing strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) of the milk producing assembly in the Sistan and Baloochestan province and planning a new approach for the efficient management of the animal husbandry industry of the province. Ten strong points, eighteen weak points, ten opportunities and thirteen threats were considered through a survey by means of a questionnaire...

Author(s): Hamid Reza Mirzaei, Morteza Rojuee, and Amir Hossain Okhravi

May 2013

The impact of work life policies, empowerment and training and development on employee performance with the mediating role of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB)

This study was conducted to know the factors that enhance the performance of Pakistani universities teachers. The objective of this study is to provide a roadmap for policy makers and human resource management executive to adopt such practices, which increase the performance of employee. Therefore participants of this study are both from public and private...

Author(s): Muhammad Tariq Sharif, Zeeshan Ashraf and Muhammad Aslam Khan

May 2013

Cross-industry determinants of capital structure: Evidence from Pakistani data

This study was conducted to know the factors that enhance the performance of Pakistani universities teachers. The objective of this study is to provide a roadmap for policy makers and human resource management executive to adopt such practices, which increase the performance of employee. Therefore participants of this study are both from public and private sector universities. Questionnaire was distributed among the 200...

Author(s): Waseem Anwar

May 2013

A framework for combating insider trading on developing stock exchanges: Evidence from the Zimbabwean stock exchange

Stock exchanges play a vital role in any capitalist economy as they provide a secondary market where investors can buy and sell shares under orderly conditions at fair and competitive prices. This role requires stock exchange operations to be regulated in order to enhance the efficiency, transparency and full disclosure in their operations. This is particularly...

Author(s): Saungweme Percy W, Ricardo Peters and Pradeep Brijlal

May 2013

An empirical investigation of downsizing: A study of banking sector of Pakistan

Downsizing is the burning issue of today’s dynamic organizations. Organizations are shortening their staff to improve their financial performance. This bustle is not only affected its employees at their workplace but also in their private lives. This study has been conducted in order to measure whether the organizations are successful in achieving their objectives of downsizing or not. This study has been...

Author(s): Wasim Hamed, Zulfiqar Ahmad Bowra, Muhammad Aleem and Alamdar Hussain

May 2013

Modelling the fluctuations of Brent oil prices by a probabilistic Markov chain

Oil is the major energy source powering the global economy. Modelling of crude oil prices has been extensively made. In this paper, we concluded that the Brent oil prices follow a Markov chain; moreover, we predict the model of fluctuating these prices from January 2004 to July 2010 by integrating the limit probability distribution of a Markov chain and Gumbel Max distribution. In this model, we analyze the trends of...

Author(s): Shaghayegh Kordnoori, Hamidreza Mostafaei , and MohammadmohsenOstadrahimi

May 2013

Comparing the relationship between interest rate changes in Shariah banking system of Iran and informal USA, Britain, Australia and Japan exchange rates in the Iranian economy according to the international Fisher theory

This study has dealt with the relationship between the informal United States dollar rate and the Islamic system based interest rate of Iran and it also has compared with the informal exchange rates of Britain, Australia and Japan. The relevant data during 1991 to 2009 have been employed to compare the results. The unit root test, Dickey-Fuller, Durbin-Watson, White tests and the least-square estimate model have been...

Author(s): Mohamadreza Abdoli and Hassan Valiyan

May 2013

The interaction university-business as a factor of local development: A study of oil and gas sector of Sergipe

This paper aims to analyze the degree of interaction between companies and universities from the perspective of research groups at the university and companies in the oil and gas sector. This study examines the process of interaction through the perception of the research groups and companies in the oil and gas sector, in order to verify the benefits generated and the difficulties experienced. Questionnaire survey was...

Author(s): Suzana Leitão Russo, Felipe Andrade Martins, José Ricardo Santana, Iracema Machado de Aragão Gomes

May 2013

Firms’ characteristics and forward-looking information in management commentaries of Italian listed companies

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between firms’ characteristics and the level of forward-looking information in management commentaries of Italian listed companies. The firms’ characteristics investigated in the study are their size, profitability and leverage. The methodology of the study is content analysis of management commentaries of the Italian companies listed on the FTSE...

Author(s): Elisa Menicucci

May 2013

Factors affecting economic prosperity of rural families in the South Khorasan Province (Iran)

The present study was applied in nature and was carried out in a survey method. The purpose of the study was to analyze factors affecting economic prosperity of rural families in the South Khorasan province. The total population of this study was all of the rural families in that province. The information was collected through the questionnaire and was analyzed with a logistic regression model. The results indicated...

Author(s): Seyyed Mohsen Nasiraei, Seyed Jamal F Hosseini and Homayoun Farhangfar

May 2013

Interactions on sustainability requirements in the South African Table Grape industry: The position and challenges of actors on the supply side

International supply chains have mainly been addressed in literature from a demand side perspective. This article addresses sustainable development issues from a supply side perspective. The paper is based on exploratory research done in the supply chain of Table Grapes in South Africa. The objective of this research is to get an understanding on the functionality of the chain as a whole by identifying the specific...

Author(s): Walter Vermeulen, Peter Ras and Claribel Muller

May 2013

Management of schools: Teachers’ involvement in decision making processes

Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. The purpose of this study is therefore to establish effects of insignificant teacher’s participation in the management of teaching load allocation in the Gweru District of Zimbabwe. The study adopted an interpretive...

Author(s): Newman Wadesango and Anass Bayaga