Full Length Research Paper
Climate change presents major health threats in Guinea, a low-income nation in West Africa. Rising temperatures, variable rainfall, floods, droughts and coastal erosion increase climate-sensitive health outcomes, including respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, malaria, undernutrition and heat-related illness. From 1990 to 2004, there was a notable increase in deaths, starting from approximately 17,815 in 1990 and peaking at about 14,382 in 2004. Following this peak, there was a subsequent decline, albeit with varying rates, settling at around 7860 by 2022. Vulnerable groups like children, the elderly, outdoor laborers, and slum residents are disproportionately impacted. This paper reviews evidence on current and projected disease burdens due to climate change in Guinea. It further discusses strategies to build health resilience using the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework including improving infrastructure, disease surveillance, health services delivery, and multi-sectoral coordination. Protecting vulnerable groups and communities through integrated interventions anchored in the local context is emphasized. Guinea requires international support and applied research to inform evidence-based adaptation policies that safeguard population health against escalating climate change threats.
Key words: Guinea, climate change, temperature, rainfall variability, extreme weather, health impacts.
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