African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1132

Table of Content: February 2011; 5(2)

February 2011

Tweets of Ngorongoro

Author(s): Oladele A. Ogunseitan

February 2011

Green house gas emissions from termite ecosystem

  Methanogenic archaea (methanogens) that inhabit the gut of termites generate enormous amount of methane that adds to the global atmospheric methane (CH4). Methane is an important trace gas in the atmosphere, contributing significantly to long wave absorption and bringing in variations into the chemistries of both the troposphere and the stratosphere. In the troposphere, methane acts as a sink for...

Author(s): Gomati Velu, Ramasamy K., Kumar K., Sivaramaiah Nallapeta and Ramanjaneya V. R. Mula

February 2011

Sustainable development in Cameroon’s forestry sector: Progress, challenges, and strategies for improvement

  This paper examines initiatives formulated by the government of Cameroon to promote sustainable development within its forestry sector, and proffers a series of policy recommendations for advancing sustainable forest management in Cameroon. Since the enactment of Cameroon’s comprehensive forestry law (Law N0. 94/01 of 20th January 1994), which regulated the forestry sector in the country, the...

Author(s): Dieudonne Alemagi

February 2011

Characterization of non point source pollutants and their dispersion in Lake Victoria: A case study of Gaba landing site in Uganda

  The aim of this research is to characterize non point pollutants and their dispersion in Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is one of the largest freshwater bodies in the world. The lake is bordered by Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, and has streams and rivers stretching as far as Burundi and Rwanda feeding into it. A number of studies have reported deteriorating water quality due to pollution.  In this study,...

Author(s): N. Banadda

February 2011

Geotechnical and environmental problems related to shales in the Abakaliki area, Southeastern Nigeria

  Six (6) samples of shale and five (5) water samples from hand-dug wells and boreholes, from different locations within the Abakaliki shale formation, have been assessed to evaluate the impact of the shale formation to the geotechnical and hydrogeo-environmental problems prevalent in the Abakaliki area (Southeastern Nigeria). Results indicated that the shale samples have Atterberg limits that might be...

Author(s): O. P. Aghamelu, P. N. Nnabo and H. N. Ezeh

February 2011

Heavy metals in soil on spoil heap of an abandoned lead ore treatment plant, SE Congo-Brazzaville

  Total concentrations of 4 heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, and Mn), non-metal As and three reference elements (Ti, Fe and Al) of a soil profile on spoil heap were examined. 54 soil samples were collected in the soil profile at different depths: 15 to 45, 45 to 75, 75 to 105, 105 to 135 and 135 to 150 cm. The first 15 cm of top layer contained an accumulation of ores and was not sampled. Lead, zinc, copper, manganese...

Author(s): Laurent Matini, Pascal R. Ongoka and Jean P. Tathy

February 2011

Study on the changes in the levels of membrane-bound ATPases activity and some mineral status in λ cyhalothrin-induced hepatotoxicity in fresh water tilapia (Oreochromis Mossambicus)

  An attempt has been made to determine the deleterious effects of λ cyhalothrin- induced in fresh water tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) with respect to changes in the activities of membrane-bound ATPases (Na+/K+, Mg+ and Ca2+ ATPase) and mineral status (sodium, potassium and calcium) in the liver. Significant (p<0.05) decline in the activities of membrane-bound ATPases and...

Author(s): Rekha Parthasarathy and John Joseph

February 2011

Mechanical grading of structural timber and species conservation in the forest of the Congo Basin

  The aim of the present work is to propose a non-destructive experimental approach, organizing the species of the Congo Basin in four; according to the likeness of their main mechanical properties, and is also to promote the subsistence of over-consumed species in our biodiversity. The assignment of a given specie to one of the four groups takes place in return for a homogeneity test of comparison of the...

Author(s): J. Kisito Mvogo, L. M. Ayina Ohandja, L. Seba Minsili and Patrick Castera

February 2011

Governance challenges in Tanzania’s environmental impact assessment practice

  Tanzania has had an interesting history of Environmental Impact Assessments (EA). Few assessments were conducted prior to 2004 leading to a process of voluntary compliance without explicit laws to enforce the process. Even without a comprehensive legal and institutional framework, those EIAs generated useful policy decisions. Fundamental changes came after 2004 when Tanzania adopted the first...

Author(s): Hussein Sosovele

February 2011

Efficacy of extractives from parts of Ghanaian pawpaw, avocado and neem on the durability of alstonia

  Conventional preservatives are not only toxic to wood bio-deteriorators, but also to humans and animals. In an effort to find preservatives that are non-toxic to humans and animals, efficacy of water extracts of heartwood of Azadirachta indica (Neem) and leaves of Perseaamericana (avocado) and Carica papaya (pawpaw) at 0.24%, was tested on the durability of wood...

Author(s):   Akwasi Asamoah, Acheampong Atta-Boateng, Kwasi Frimpong-Mensah and Charles Antwi-Boasiako

January 2011

Assessment of rural households’ objectives for gathering non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in Kogi State, Nigeria

  This study assessed rural households’ objectives for gathering non-timber forest products in Kogi State, Nigeria, with specific focus on identifying some species of non-timber forest products present in the area, identifying reasons why they engaged in the gathering of the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) as well as determining the relative importance of the identified reasons to the households. One...

Author(s): Awe F., Osadebe C. O., Imoagene E., Fashina A. Y., Eniola T. S. and Adeleke E. O.

February 2011

Inter-annual trends of heavy metals in marine resources from the Nigerian territorial waters

    In an attempt to monitor and assess the pollution status of marine resources in the Nigerian territorial waters, this study was carried out to reveal the levels and inter-annual trend of heavy metals in marine resources from the Lagos lagoon marine ecosystem. Studies were carried out annually in the month of July between 2007 and 2009; and the observed levels and trends...

Author(s): Nubi O. A. , Oyediran L. O.  and Nubi A. T. 

February 2011

From dependency to Interdependencies: The emergence of a socially rooted but commercial waste sector in Kampala City, Uganda

    Urban waste has traditionally remained for municipal councils to manage in several sub-Saharan cities such as Kampala. However, due to noticeable inefficiencies at municipal level, there is a manifest of low-income groups that take the initiative to extract and add value to materials from the waste stream, although higher-income groups are engaged in similar activities. This...

Author(s):   Buyana Kareem and Shuaib Lwasa