African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1132

Table of Content: May 2011; 5(5)

May 2011

Green Stars

Author(s): Oladele A. Ogunseitan

May 2011

Physicochemical typology of water of a middle atlas river (Morocco) where the common trout (Salmo trutta macrstigma, Duméril, 1858) live: Oued Sidi Rachid

  For every living being, ecological conditions greatly influence biology. In the case of a fish, these conditions may be responsible for its presence or absence in the medium, its development and its population size. This work studies the characteristics and physicochemical typology of Sidi Rachid River, known by its wealth of the Salmonidae fish:Salmo trutta macrostigma (Duméril,...

Author(s):   Abba El Hassen, Belghyti Driss, Benabid Mohamed, Elibaoui Hamid, Fadli Mohamed Eby and Ould Mohamadou

May 2011

Characterization and evaluation of the factors affecting the geochemistry of surface water of Koudiat Medouar Basin, Algeria

  Hydrochemistry of surface water in Koudiat Medouar Basin, Algeria was used to assess the quality of surface water for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. In the three stations, there is a good correlation between the electrical conductivity and elements Ca, Mg, K, Cl, SO4 and HCO3. In order to determine the geochemical nature of water, the data was interpreted using the...

Author(s): Ammar Tiri, Lazhar Belkhiri Abderrahmane Boudoukha and Noureddine Lahbari

May 2011

Vegetation composition and soil nutrients status from polyculture to monoculture

  The study was conducted on status of nutrients in three major types of forests namely, broad-leaved, mixed pine and pine forests in Meghalaya, considering altitude and seasonality as variables. The findings revealed that the change in micro-environmental conditions as influenced by attitude and seasonality has marked effect on status and release of nutrients in the soil of representative forest stands at...

Author(s): B. P. Mishra

May 2011

Environmental laws and policies related to periodic flooding and sedimentation in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) of East Africa

  What should a community of three states with diverse historical profiles of legal and regulatory frameworks do when a common ecological resource is threatened any yet is critical in the sustenance of communities around it? This is the challenge that East African States faced with dealing with Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) in East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi). Given the various ecological,...

Author(s): John Daniel Bakibinga-Ibembe, Vuai A. Said and Nancy W. Mungai

May 2011

Use of stone powder in concrete and mortar as an alternative of sand

  Stone powder produced from stone crushing zones appears as a problem for effective disposal. Sand is a common fine aggregate used in construction work as a fine aggregate. In this study, the main concern is to find an alternative of sand. Substitution of normal sand by stone powder will serve both solid waste minimization and waste recovery. The study focuses to determine the relative performance of concrete...

Author(s): H. M. A. Mahzuz, A. A. M. Ahmed and M. A. Yusuf

May 2011

Potential of using recycled low-density polyethylene in wood composites board

  The aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of using recycled low density polyethylene (RLDPE) in wood board manufacturing. The composite board was produced by compressive moulding by increasing the percentage of LDPE from 30 to 50 wt% with interval of 10 wt% at a temperatures of 140 and 180°C, pressure of 30 to 40 Kg/cm2 and pressing time 7 to 13 min. The microstructure and mechanical...

Author(s): Atuanya C. U., Ibhadode A. O. A. and Igboanugo A. C.