How to cite this article
Wyss, D., Negussie, K., Staacke, A., Karnagel, A., Engelhardt, M., & Kappas, M. (2022). A comparative analysis of MODIS-derived drought indices for Northern and Central Namibia. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , 16(5), 173-191.
Chicago /
Wyss Daniel, Negussie Kaleb, Staacke Antonia, Karnagel Amad&e, Engelhardt Malin and Kappas Martin. "A comparative analysis of MODIS-derived drought indices for Northern and Central Namibia." African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16, no. 5 (2022): 173-191.
Wyss Daniel, et al. "A comparative analysis of MODIS-derived drought indices for Northern and Central Namibia." African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16.5 (2022): 173-191.