April 2015
Review on lactic acid bacteria function in milk fermentation and preservation
This review was conducted to find out the main function of lactic acid bacteria in milk fermentation and preservation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of Gram-positive, non-spore forming, cocci or rods, which produce lactic acid as the major end product during the fermentation of carbohydrates. LAB includes Lactobacillus, Lactococus, Streptococcus and Leuconostoc species. The presence of LAB in milk fermentation...
April 2015
Understanding local fish consumption behavior in Laguna Lake watershed area, Philippines
In recent years, Laguna Lake has deteriorated significantly due to agricultural, domestic and industrial waste. This paper examines local residents’ fish consumption behavior in the Laguna Lake watershed area in the Philippines. The data utilized in this study was collected through the “LakeHEAD” household survey (n=389), conducted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and University of the...
April 2015
Effect of age on physico-chemical, cholesterol and proximate composition of chicken and quail meat
A study to evaluate the effect of age on physico-chemical, cholesterol and proximate composition of chicken and quail meat was evaluated. One hundred poultry bird comprising of 50 chickens (Harco black) and 50 quail Japanese were randomly allocated based on a completely randomized design. Birds were kept for 20 weeks and fed with compounded feeds ad libitum, and at 4, 8, 16 and 20 weeks, 5 birds each were randomly...
April 2015
Detection of some chemical hazards in milk and some dairy products
Chemical contaminants in milk comprise of hazardous chemicals that may be introduced during milking, dairy processing or packaging. They possess some hazards to humans who consume milk and other dairy products. Total of one hundred and fifty (150) samples were collected; thirty each of UHT milk, yogurt, soft, hard and processed cheese. The samples were analyzed to investigate the presence of some chemical...
April 2015
Effect of concentration of debittering agent on the mineral, vitamin and phytochemical contents of Lasianthera africana leafy vegetable
White variety of Lasianthera africana leaves were blanched in hot water (control) and in different concentrations (0.25, 0.50, 0,75, 1.00 and 1.25%) of unripe plantain peel ash solution for 3 min at 100°C, cooled, drained, oven dried (50°C) for 36 h. Then, raw leaf and all oven dried samples were analyzed for minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals. The raw leaf contained potassium (78.98±0.78 mg/100 g),...
April 2015
Influence of smoking method on quality of traditional smoked Bonga shad (Ethmalosa frimbriata) fish from Lagos State, Nigeria
This study was carried out to assess the influence of smoking method on quality attributes of traditional smoked bonga shad fish. Fresh bonga shad fish (100 samples) and smoked bonga shad fish (100 samples) were collected from 20 different processing centres and the fresh samples were smoked with convectional smoking kiln as the control. Laboratory analyses were conducted and each batch was assessed for; proximate and...
April 2015
Antioxidant-mediated protective effect of hawthorn (Crataegus mexicana) peel extract in erythrocytes against oxidative damage
Hawthorn (Crataegus Mexicana) is a traditional fruit in Mexican gastronomy and is used to treat many ailments. Previous studies have shown that acetone extracts derived from hawthorn peel (HPE) possess a strong antioxidant activity in chemical and biological model systems in vitro, attributable to their polyphenolic content. The main objective of this study was to investigate the ability of HPE to protect erythrocytes...
April 2015
Particulating broiler feeds into forms and sizes for nutritional and economic benefits (part 1)
A study was conducted to examine the nutritional and economic effects of using mash, crumbs and pellet diets for broiler starter birds using Arbor Acre broilers chickens. The study examines the starter phase (0-28 days) of 288 Arbor Acre broiler chickens fed mash, 2 mm pellet size diet and feed crumbs. All diets had identical nutrients composition and the study was conducted under similar environmental conditions and...
April 2015
Effects of coffee processing technologies on physico-chemical properties and sensory qualities of coffee
The study aimed at comparing the effects of three coffee pulping methods on the physico-chemical properties and sensory qualities of coffee. The coffee cherries were processed by disc pulper, drum pulper and eco-pulper methods which varied on mode of operations and mucilage removal methods. The coffee parchment were dried to moisture content of 10 ± 1% and green coffee beans were evaluated for parameters...
April 2015
Preliminary studies on the effect of shea kernel size on shea butter quality
The study was carried out between March, 2012 and January, 2013 at the University for Development Studies, Nyankpala campus, Ghana. The objectives of the study were to characterize farmer shea nut varieties to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the shea nut butter and determine appropriate shea nut quality for the domestic market. The shea nuts were characterized as T1 (small nuts), T2 (medium nuts),...
April 2015
Development and evaluation of egg based ready-to-eat (RTE) products in flexible retort pouches
Effect of retort (thermal) processing on the shelf life and safety of ethnic Indian food products namely egg curry and egg burji were investigated. Ready-to-eat egg products were packed in four layer laminated retort pouches and processed in a steam-air retort with overriding pressure. Time-temperature profile of thermal processing was determined and the same was used for heat penetration characteristics. The thermal...
April 2015
Bacteriological quality of garri sold in Owerri open markets, Imo state, Nigeria
Garri as popularly known in Nigeria is a general food consumed by most people in Nigeria. It could be eaten by reconstituting it with hot water, stirred to form a thick paste and eaten with soup or stew. It could also be taken dried or mixed with cold water and sugar/milk, as a snack. As a part of check mating the public health risk associated with this general dependence of the population on garri, the bacteriological...