African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: April 2021; 15(4)

April 2021

Bio-based packaging used in food processing: A critical review

Food packaging plays an important role in ensuring the global quality of the food consumed by people. Technological progress has been achieved in recent years in the food packaging sector, leading to a great diversity of food packaging, including bio-based packaging. This review highlights the different types of biodegradable polymers that are used for food packaging production, their characteristics and effects on food...

Author(s): Romaric Ouétchéhou, Déley Sylvain Dabadé, Générose Vieira-Dalodé, Abadjayé Faouziath Sanoussi, Akouavi Balbine Fagla-Amoussou, Menouwesso Harold Hounhouigan, Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan and Paulin Azokpota

April 2021

Application of wedge fracture test for texture analysis in boiled sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)

Several instrumental texture analysis methods have been developed for use in sweetpotato. However, there are very few reports on the use of the wedge fracture test. The purpose of the study was to develop a texture analysis method using a wedge fracture and evaluate its performance against compression test in assessing sweetpotato varieties with different cooking times. The optimal cooking time (OCT) of five sweetpotato...

Author(s): Linly Banda, Mukani Moyo, Mariam Nakitto, Jolien Swanckaert, Arnold Onyango, Esther Magiri, Gordon McDougall, Laurence Ducreux, Mark Taylor and Tawanda Muzhingi,

April 2021

Nutrient and mineral components of wild edible mushrooms from the Kilum-Ijim forest, Cameroon

Kilum-Ijim forest is a montane forest in the North West Region of Cameroon. Wild edible mushrooms are mostly consumed by the communities of Kilum-Ijim as substitute of meat to obtain protein, hence the need to evaluate the nutrient and mineral components of the species consumed in these communities. The most eight preferred wild mushroom species from ethnomycological studies are: Polyporus tenuiculus, Termitomyces...

Author(s): Ache Neh Teke, Manju Evelyn Bi, Lawrence Monah Ndam and Tonjock Rosemary Kinge

April 2021

Marketing potential of improved dried sardine (Sardinella gibossa) and capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Southern Kenyan coast

Traditional dried small fish are an important source of protein for low income people in many developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine marketing potential of improved dried sardine and capelin as new products in markets accustomed to traditional dried small fish. One hundred and twenty participants were recruited among shoppers at supermarkets and open-air markets in Kenya. Each participant received...

Author(s): Odoli Ogombe Cyprian, Kolbrun Sveinsdottir, Peter Michael Oduor-Odote and Sigurjon Arason,

April 2021

Effect of harvest age of cassava roots and sweet potato tubers on alcohol yield

Several studies have been conducted in the past using cassava and sweet potato as feedstock to optimise the yield of alcohol. Harvest age of cassava and sweet potato may have some effects on the fermentable carbohydrates quantity. This study aims to establish the best harvest age of cassava and sweet potato for alcohol production. Two varieties of cassava (Sika bankye and Ampong) cultivated and harvested at 8, 10 and 12...

Author(s): Komlaga, G. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Dziedzoave, N. T.