August 2014
Quality of pears with permeability of Bio-FreshTM edible coatings
Bio-Freshtm edible coatings in four concentrations (0.5, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2%) were investigated on quality characteristics of conference pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Conference) with regards to its permeability. The Bio-FreshTM was applied on pears by dipping. It was found that the effect of Bio-FreshTM on pears was significantly effective in maintaining the skin color of green and only coating 1.2% Bio-FreshTM delayed...
August 2014
Effect of extruded soy-cocoa and corn starch based complementary food on some haematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of rats
Extruded soy-cocoa and corn-starch based complementary diet with a protein-energy ratio of 21% holds great promise in alleviating malnutrition so prevalent among Nigerian children under five years. There is however, paucity of scientific information on its safety- a necessary prelude to trials on human subjects. This study reports a controlled feeding trial involving 29 adult wistar rats housed in standard cages and...
August 2014
Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of selected Ugandan traditional medicinal foods
Twenty one (21) traditional food plants recognized as medicinal by communities in Kamuli and Gulu districts in Uganda were identified and analyzed for their phytochemical content and antioxidant activity. The total phenolic content (2.6 ± 0.1 to 184.2 ± 6.4 mg GAE gDW-1) and flavonoid content (0.3 ± 0.1 to 162.2 ± 3.5 mg CE gDW-1) as well as antioxidant activity (0.1 ± 0.1 to 57.8...
August 2014
Physical properties of dry-milled maize meals and their relationship with the texture of stiff and thin porridge
Selected physical properties of white maize meal, obtained by different dry-milling techniques were evaluated and correlated to the texture of stiff and thin porridge. Sifted or par-cooked maize meals had finer particles than hammer-milled maize meals. Hammer-milled maize meals had lower water absorption indices (17-38%) and higher water solubility indices (WSI, 4-5%) than sifted (41-42 and 2-3%, respectively) or...
August 2014
Designer paneer
Value added paneer was prepared to improve the fibre content in the otherwise fibre deficient paneer. Cereals like wheat and finger millet at 1% level was included in the preparation of paneer. Inclusion level of more than 1% caused pasty consistency. Sensory analysis was also carried out on the designed paneer. It was found that there was no significant difference in the flavour and overall acceptability between the...
August 2014
Physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of dried Waragashi
In this study, effects of drying temperature on the physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of Waragashi were investigated. Three types of produced Waragashi were investigated. The first one (V1) was obtained after coagulation of milk, the second called coloured Waragashi (V2), was obtained by boiling V1 for three minutes in aqueous solution of Sorghum vulgaris panicle (15 g/L) and the third one, refined...