July 2021
Profiling of processors for baked and fried wheat based products in Nairobi Kenya
This study aimed at profiling bakers and fryers of wheat products in Nairobi to inform decisions leading towards incorporation of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) puree in these products. An exhaustive sampling was carried out and 748 processors were interviewed in Nairobi County. The results indicate that even though there were more female processors than men, this difference was not significant (p>0.05). Majority...
July 2021
Studies on some physico-chemical and engineering properties of Musa spp (ABB) starch flour
This study investigated some physiochemical and engineering properties of Musa spp (ABB) starch flour using standard procedures with a view to providing data that will aid in process design, control and bulk handling of Musa spp (ABB) starch flour. Loose and packed bulk densities, the least gelation concentration, density ratio and porosity ranged between 0.47 to 0.70 g/mL, 0.60 to 0.95 g/mL, 8 to 16% (w/v), 74.25 to...
July 2021
Effects of freezing as a post-harvest storage technique on quality of Friesian crossbred cattle milk
Twenty-five raw milk samples from Friesian crossbred dairy cows were analyzed for milk fat, protein and lactose using an ultrasonic milk analyzer. The samples were then subjected to two different freezing protocols; single freezing and multiple freezing, after which parameters were reanalyzed after freezing and thawing at different freezing times (24, 48, and 72 h). Paired t-test was used to compare the effect of...