African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: March 2014; 8(3)

March 2014

Effect of wheat flour substitution, maize variety and fermentation time on the characteristics of Akara, a deep oil fried dough product

An investigation into the possibility of using local cereal resources (maize) to develop composite flour suitable for the production of Akara (a deep fried fermented dough) was undertaken. The experimental design was a 4 x 5 x 5 factorial experiment. Factor one was the maize variety (CMS 8806, CMS 8501, CMS 9015 and CMS 8704), factor two the substitution level (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) of wheat for maize flour and factor...

Author(s): Kameni A., Kouebou C., Aboubakar D. A. K. and C. The

March 2014

The effect of Withania coagulans as a coagulant on the quality and sensorial properties of Tofu

Tofu is a nutritional, gel-like soy food. The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of Withania coagulans extract on the soymilk coagulation for producing tofu. For this purpose, soymilk was coagulated by W. coagulans extract, and the properties of the prepared tofu were analyzed. The results indicate that the extract of W. coagulans as a coagulant significantly (p<0.05) reduced yield and moisture...

Author(s): Reyhaneh Sarani, Javad MohtadiNia and Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi

March 2014

Thermal oxidative alteration of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is extensively used in frying in Algeria as an alternative to olive oil due to its low cost. However, the high level of unsaturated fatty acids (FA) contained in sunflower oil enhances its susceptibility to oxidation. In our study, the sunflower oil was heated at 99±2°C with incorporation of 9 L of oxygen/second for 52 h continuously in the absence of foodstuff. Heating polyunsaturated fatty...

Author(s): Sadoudi R., Ammouche A., and Ali Ahmed D

March 2014

Cyanide and selected nutrients content of different preparations of leaves from three cassava species

Cassava leaves are largely consumed as vegetable in African, but contain a toxic compound, cyanide. To ascertain their safety and contribution to human nutrition, after a number of pre-treatments preceding their boiling in water, cyanide, vitamin C, β-carotene, crude protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc contents were assessed in leaves from bitter, sweet and wild cassava species, boiled for 15 and...

Author(s): Umuhozariho M. G., Shayo N. B., Msuya J. M.,and Sallah P. Y. K

March 2014

Biogenic amines and microbiological profile of egyptian cheeses

Cheeses are among those high-protein-containing foodstuffs in which enzymatic and microbial activities cause the formation of biogenic amines (BAs) from amino acids decarboxylation. Most of the methods for amine determination in these products involve acid extraction followed by a liquid-liquid purification step to selectively separate amines and amino acids. This study aimed to describe the development of biogenic...

Author(s): Khaled Meghawry El-Zahar

March 2014

Assessment of bacterial and fungal spoilage of some Nigerian fermented and unfermented foods

The study was aimed at evaluating the microbial spoilage of selected Nigerian fermented and unfermented foods. A total of four fermented and unfermented food samples were used for this investigation. Microbial and sensory evaluations of the food products during storage were carried out using standard procedures. During storage, the bacteria counts were observed to range from 2.2 × 105 to 4.8 × 105 CFU/mL and...

Author(s): Adebayo C. O., Aderiye, B. I. and Akpor O. B

March 2014

Antioxidant peptides from freshwater clam extract using enzymatic hydrolysis

The enzymatic hydrolysate of freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea) extract was prepared using commercially available proteases. The antioxidant activity of the hydrolysate was evaluated by reducing power and 2,2’-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid free radical decolorization assays. The hydrolysate, especially its fraction purified by gel filtration, had a good antioxidant activity. The Trolox...

Author(s): Yan Zeng, Yuping Guan, Wenjia Han and Yuanxia Sun

March 2014

Biological control of apple gray mold by mixtures of Bacillus Subtilis and yeast isolates

In this study the effect of biocontrol agents Candida membraniciens (isolates A4, A5), Pichia guilliermondii (isolate A6) and Bacillus subtilis (isolates B2, B6) were evaluated individually and in combination on gray mold of apple. Our results show that the antagonists were compatible when they were tested in vitro. Also, results show the spore germination of Botrytis cinerea decreased significantly by the combination...

Author(s): E. Zangoei, H. R. Etebarian and N.Sahebani

March 2014

Food expenditure and household welfare in Ghana

The main objective of this study was to investigate the determinants of household food expenditure and its effects on welfare. As a result of potential simultaneity between food expenditure and welfare, a simultaneous equations model was estimated using the two-stage least squares method. The findings confirm the theoretical and empirical evidences that households reduce the percentage share of their food expenditure as...

Author(s): Samuel A. Donkoh, Hamdiyah Alhassan and Paul K. Nkegbe