African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: March 2018; 12(3)

March 2018

Effect of traditional and modified grain-soaking methods on physicochemical characteristics and consumers’ acceptability of sorghum ogi

The influence of traditional and modified soaking methods and varietal difference of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (Linn.) Moench] grains on the physicochemical properties and consumers’ acceptability of ogi was investigated. Three sorghum varieties (SAMSORG-14, SAMSORG-41 and SAMSORG-42) were used for the study, and each was subjected to three grain-soaking methods (SGW-72, PBW-24 and IBG5-24) after which ogi was...

Author(s): Bolade K. Mathew, Anota O. Adebowale and Bolade O. Oladayo  

March 2018

Impact of the storage conditions and duration on some nutritional parameters of three flours of mass consumption in Cameroon

Wheat, maize and cassava flours are of mass consumption in Cameroonian households. Depending on the frequency of consumption and the size of households, these flours can take several months before complete exhaustion. The present work assessed the impact of three common storage conditions (aerobic, partial aerobic and anaerobic) on the evolution of some nutritional parameters of these flours. The results showed that...

Author(s): SONTSA-DONHOUNG Alain-Martial, BONGSE ANDOSEH Patience Kari, MABOUNE TETMOUN Abeline,  BOUGNON Blaise and MOUNJOUENPOU Pauline  

March 2018

Preparation and analysis of goat milk mozzarella cheese containing soluble fiber from Acacia senegal var. kerensis

Mozzarella cheese is one of the preferred ingredients for use in pizza. Goat milk is a good source of protein and calcium, possessing unique characteristics with a high proportion of small milk fat globules that contain a higher concentration of short chain, medium chain and polyunsaturated fatty acids than cow’s milk. Its use in mozzarella cheese can therefore impart significant health benefits to consumers....

Author(s): Samuel N. Kiiru, Symon M. Mahungu and Mary Omwamba  

March 2018

Food insecurity in the green famine belt of Ethiopia: Extent and severity in Belo-jiganfoy District, Benishangul-gumuz region

The green famine belt of Ethiopia is customarily viewed as food secure area only due to relatively adequate rainfall and green vegetation cover. In contrast, this paper argues and shows that the food insecurity condition termed as “green famine” has always existed in the belt. Accordingly, the paper examined the extent and severity of food insecurity based on a cross-sectional survey of 220 households in...

Author(s): Guyu Ferede and Muluneh Wolde-Tsadik