African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: November 2013; 7(11)

November 2013

Preparation and physicochemical analysis of some Ethiopian traditional alcoholic beverages

Ethiopian traditional alcoholic beverages namely tella, tej and areki are very common drinks in the country. Ten (10) alcohol vending houses were considered in the study by considering two from each five sub-cities, purposely for ‘filtered’ tella sampling and five for the unfiltered tella, tej and areki samples. The alcoholic contents of filter-tella, tej and areki were measured and found in the range of...

Author(s): Tadele Yohannes, Fekadu Melak and Khalid Siraj

November 2013

Study of electrical properties of vegetable oils for the purpose of an application in electrical engineering

The growing importance of the issues for sustainable development requires the consideration of environmental criteria in the development of all new materials and equipment. In the case of dielectric liquid, a better balance must be found between technical performance within the filled equipment and the impact on the environment always possible leaks. In transformers, a stable liquid, inert, with good electrical and...

Author(s): Khouloud LAKRARI, Mouloud EL MOUDANE, Imane  HASSANAIN, Imane ELLOUZI, Said KITANE and Mohamed ALAOUI El BELGHITI

November 2013

Resistance to antimicrobials and acid and bile tolerance of Bacillus spp isolated from Bikalga, fermented seeds of Hibiscus sabdariffa

In the aim of selecting starter cultures, thirteen species of Bacillus spp. including six Bacillus subtilis ssp. subtilis, four Bacillus licheniformis and three Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ssp. plantarum isolated from traditional Bikalga were investigated. The study included, for all isolates, genes, determination of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 24 antimicrobials and detection of resistance by PCR using...

Author(s): Clarisse S. Compaoré, Lars B. Jensen, Bréhima Diawara, Georges A. Ouédraogo, Mogens Jakobsen and Labia I. I. Ouoba,

November 2013

Simultaneous high performance liquid chromatography analysis of water soluble vitamins in some foods prepared by a Nigerian eatery

The present study carried out simultaneous analysis of water soluble vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, niacin, folic acid and ascorbic acid) in some foods prepared by a Nigerian eatery using a reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The results (mg /100 g) indicate that pyridoxine ranged from 0.16 in amala to 1.14 in fried rice, niacin from 0.18 in doughnut to 0.70 in meat pie, thiamine from 0.30 in doughnut...

Author(s): Israel Olusegun Otemuyiwa and Steve Adeniyi Adewusi

November 2013

An evaluation of milk quality in and around Rawalakot Azad Kashmir

The present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of milk from Rawalakot and its surroundings. Milk samples were collected from house hold animal, milkman and restaurant milk in order to assess the hygienic status of raw milk, which was collected from three different parts of the city, Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It was observed that the milk samples which were collected from house hold milk showed better...

Author(s): Saiqa Bashir, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Shahzad Akbar Khan, Habib Ahmed Rathore, Muhammad Akhtar Qureshi and Zulfiqar Hussain Kathu

November 2013

Comparative evaluation of physico-chemical properties of two varieties of pomogranate fruits-Ganesh and Arakta

The present investigation was carried out to analyze different physico-chemical characteristics of two different varieties of pomogranate fruits viz. Ganesh and Arakta. The study reveals that the morphological characteristics of pomegranate, that is, colour of fruit of var. Ganesh and Arakta was yellowish with pink patches and dark red, respectively. The average weight was 210.90 and 254.20 g for Ganesh and Arakta...

Author(s): Patil Priyanka, Sayed H. M., A. A. Joshi and Jadhav B. A.