African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5239

Table of Content: 14 November, 2017; 11(42)

November 2017

Microbial production of textile grade pigments

Biological pigments or biochromes are substances produced by living organisms and have a color  resulting from selective color absorption. A total of 37 isolates of Actinomycetes and 2 bacteria were isolated from 26 different soil samples collected from different habitats of Kerala. The isolates were screened for pigment production. The effect of pigment production by the strains on various carbon and nitrogen...

Author(s): A. Sadasivan Nair, B. Prakash Kumar and J. Anu Geo

November 2017

Microbial quality of retail raw meat in administrative towns of Gojjam area North-West Ethiopia with special reference of Gram positive cocci species

This study was conducted to determine the bacteriological quality of retail raw meat. Twenty one raw meat samples were randomly collected from four administrative towns: Bure, Debre-Markos, Dejen and Fenoteselam meat-stalls of Gojjam area. Samples were collected and transported kept in cold sterile screw cap bottles with ice contained icebox. It was cultured on plate count agar and mannitol salt agar plates for...

Author(s): Seifu Birhanu, and Sentayhu Menda,

November 2017

Effect of rates and sources of soluble phosphorus on the behavior of cowpea plants inoculated with rhizobacteria from soils of the north region of Brazil

Cowpea can obtain N through biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) through symbiosis with rhizobacteria. However, nodulation and BNF are influenced by edaphoclimatic factors that may bring about benefits or damages to the process, and the availability of nutrients is among the main factors that affect BNF and phosphorus (P). Thus, the present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of doses and sources of soluble P on...

Author(s): Érica de Oliveira Araújo, Juliana Guimarães Gerola, Caiqui Raoni Gomes Ferreira and Leandro Cecílio Matte