African Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0816
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPP
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 2298

Table of Content: July 2024; 18(6)

July 2024

Preclinical immunomodulatory activity of COVIDEX® herbal product developed for supportive treatment of COVID-19 in Uganda

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the SARSCoV-2 virus caused international lockdown with devastating effects on global health. In Africa, most people resorted to the use of herbal products for the prevention and treatment COVID-19 related symptoms. In Uganda COVIDEX® herbal product was widely used and is still used against COVID-19 and other viral symptoms of the upper respiratory tract. The product...

Author(s): Patrick Engeu Ogwang, Silvano Samba Twinomujuni, Casim Umba Tolo and  Francis Wasswa

July 2024

Nicolau syndrome: An avoidable iatrogenic complication leading to disabilities

Nicolau syndrome is a rare complication following intramuscular injection of various medications. The pathophysiology of the condition remains complex. However, corticosteroids are responsible for vasospasm and ischemic necrosis. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the often-preventable nature of this debilitating drug-induced iatrogenesis. Two cases of preventable Nicolau syndrome in children aged 2 and 6...

Author(s): Manan Siméon YOBO-BI, Kanga Sita N’ZOUÉ, Massiré TOURÉ, Adoubs Célestin BÉNIÉ, Mankoh Yves-Cédric KEE, Kpangni Ahua Jean BERTRAND, Alain Claude Stéphane Batoué TIA and Mamadou KAMAGATE,  

July 2024

Evaluation of betablockers and digoxin in black African heart failure patients based on a non-interventional cohort study at Abidjan Heart Institute

The aim was to determine the benefit of betablockers and/or digoxin on mortality in heart failure in black Africans using a comparative study. This was a prospective, non-interventional, comparative, four-arm follow-up cohort study using the Abidjan Heart Institute database. Patients were divided into four arms: betablocker alone, betablocker plus digoxin, digoxin alone, and a control group with conventional treatment...

Author(s): Djénamba BAMBA-KAMAGATÉ, Massiré TOURÉ, Mankoh Yves Cédric KEE, Manan Siméon YOBO-BI, Kanga Sita N’ZOUÉ, Éric Sogbety DIOMANDÉ, Fatoumata TRAORÉ and Mamadou KAMAGATÉ