Full Length Research Paper
This paper presents data on the development of psychological qualities of Shanghai community administrators. By comparing results of 2001 and 2010, the author analyzes the difference of the psychological qualities of Shanghai community administrators. The conclusions from the data are based on a decade of psychological profiling research on the administrators, using the internationally recognized and widely adopted psychological typing tool Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI). The most significant change in their psychological profile is the move from ESFJ to ESTJ, with a shift from feeling to thinking. In 2001 they were structured, careful, firm, disciplined, relationship focused, not particularly theoretical or abstract, unimaginative, more present oriented than future, and unwilling to try unproven methods. They most often took the role of a stabilizer - the status quo defenders. These characteristics were not fit for the development trends of Shanghai. Instead, in 2010 they focus on objectivity and detachment when they make a judgment. The characteristics frequently associated with their types are pragmatism, realism and decisiveness. They are detail oriented, work within logical frameworks and take a fast and systematic approach to implementing decisions. By comparing these groups of administrators, it is clear that the 2010 subjects are better equipped psychologically as local administrators. The author analyzes these changes in Shanghai opening up and becoming more internationally connected to the psychological types of the administrators, as well as the positive aspects of recruitment approaches and community administrator training in Shanghai.
Keywords: Psychological Type, MBTI, Rationalism Trend, Shanghai Community Administrators.
MBTI: Myers-Briggs type indicator, E: extraversion, I: introversion, S: sensing, N:intuition, T: Thinking, F: Feeling, J: Judging, P: Perceiving.
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