Zimbabwe at the turn of the new millennium has received widespread condemnation particularly with the implementation of the controversial land reform programme. Such criticisms and attacks on the government threatened the existence of the regime; as such the regime employed various strategies to ensure its survival in an anarchical environment. The image portrayed abroad has been tattered as some of the survival strategies the regime used were followed by reports of violence, instability and abandonment of the rule of law, which created a serious challenge to modern developments on democracy and human rights. As a result Zimbabwe lost many friends especially from the West and /or West controlled institutions through either suspension from IMF and Commonwealth. From such a stand point this paper therefore seeks to analyse the Regime survival strategies in Zimbabwe in the 21st century.
Key words: ZANU PF, ZANLA, ZIPRA, MDC, AIPPA, POSA, BACOSSI, Regime, Dictatorship, Despotism, Democracy.
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