International Journal of
Fisheries and Aquaculture

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Fish. Aquac.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9839
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJFA
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 235

Table of Content: 9 September, 2011; 3(9)

September 2011

A karyological analysis of Puntius conchonius (Hamilton, 1822) (Pisces, Cyprinidae), a new cytotype from Dal Lake Srinagar Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), India

  The karyotypic and cytological characteristics of Rosy barb, Puntius conchonius (Hamilton, 1822) (cyprinidae) were investigated by examining metaphase chromosomes spreads from the anterior kidney following Thorgaard and Disney (1990). The fishes were obtained from the local fishermen and transported live to the Limnology and Fisheries Laboratory of Centre of Research for Development, University of...

Author(s): Farooq A. Ganai and A. R. Yousuf

September 2011

Socio-economic evaluation of rural women and the estimation of profitability of fish marketing in four markets in Nigeria

  The level of unemployment, poverty, hunger and disease is growing at an alarming rate in developing countries despite global technological and entrepreneurship development. Fish is known to be the most important food commodity handled by rural women in Katcha Local Government area of Niger State because of abundant water from River Niger and streams. This study examined the socio-economic characteristics of...

Author(s): Yisa T. A., Tsadu S. M. and Mohammed I.

September 2011

Effect of beach seine height and mesh size on catch characteristics in the southern part of the Caspian Sea

  In this study, the influence of height and mesh size of beach seine net on the amount of fishing, length frequency and species composition of caught fish was examined. Two beach seine nets with 20 and 24 m heights and each net with 30 and 33 mm center part mesh size were used by two fishing cooperatives during 2008 and 2009. Rutilus frisii kutum and Mugil auratus were selected as...

Author(s): Seyed Aminollah Taghavi Motlagh, Saeed Gorgin, Hasan Fazli and Shahram Abdolmaleki