International Journal of
Fisheries and Aquaculture

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Fish. Aquac.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9839
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJFA
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 235

Table of Content: June 2013; 5(6)

June 2013

Polyculture of seabass with tilapia for the utilization of brown fields in the coastal areas of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Disease outbreak in shrimp culture sector has abandoned the vast coastal areas of Bangladesh. These abandoned areas treated as ‘brown fields’ could be utilized for finfish culture using low cost inputs. This type of culture practice has the potential to be successful in the coastal waters due to having seasonally fluctuating salinity of 0 to 15 ppt. The present study was conducted to determine the growth and...

Author(s): Md. Mostafa Monwar, A. K. M.  Ruhul Amin Sarker  and Nani Gopal Das

June 2013

Economic analysis of polder based freshwater prawn farming systems in Kuttanad, India

Techno-economic analysis of different farming systems prevalent for Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Kuttanad, a wetland ecosystem of India was carried out. Results showed considerable variation in production cost and profitability among the farming systems. Cobb-Douglass production function model suggested that optimization of input cost along with adoption of appropriate management strategies as prerequisites...

Author(s): K. Ranjeet and B. Madhusoodana Kurup

June 2013

Ichthyofauna characteristics of a tropical low brackish open Lagoon in South-western Nigeria

The fish fauna of Lekki lagoon in south-western part of Nigeria was studied from March 2006 to February 2008. Sampling was carried out once a month using different fishing gears and the market was visited to confirm the fish species diversity from the lagoon. A total of 16,960 specimens made up of juveniles and adults caught were identified and classified. They comprised of eighty-one species belonging to 40 families,...

Author(s):   Emmanuel, B. E. and Osibona, A. O.

June 2013

Comparison of experimentally elaborated food from regionally available products with commercial foods of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Mexican highlands

Aquaculture increasingly contributes to human nutrition, but the expansion of semi-intensive systems is limited by the high cost of commercial food. This is the case of the semi-intensive production of carp (Cyprinus carpio) in artificial lakes and reservoirs in the state of Tlaxcala in the Mexican highlands.  24% cheaper alternative food from duckweed (Lemna sp.) (37%), soya (Glycine max) (36%), corn (Zea...

Author(s): Rosario Rivera Meneses, Juan Suárez Sánchez, Luz del Carmen Pérez González, Johannes C. Van der Wal, Hipólito Muñoz Nava and Salvador Morales Moreno

June 2013

Food habits of two species of Pseudotolithus (Sciaenidae) off Benin (West Africa) nearshore waters and implications for management

Food habits of Pseudotolithus senegalensis and Pseudotolithus typus in Benin nearshore waters were investigated for 18 months because of the importance of croakers in artisanal catches. Frequency of occurrence, numerical abundance and gravimetric composition were utilized in computing the percent index of relative importance of each food item. The major dietary components of the two species were...

Author(s): F. K. E. NUNOO, E. SOSSOUKPE, A. ADITE and E. D. FIOGBE

June 2013

Length-weight relationships and condition factors of Alestes baremoze, Brycinus nurse and Schilbe intermedius from the lower reaches of white volta river (Yapei), Ghana

A study to assess the length-weight relationships and the condition factors of 3 abundant and commercial fish species namely Alestes baremoze,  Brycinus nurse and Schilbe intermediusin the lower reaches of the White Volta River (Yapei) was conducted from October 2011 to March 2012. Using W = aLb, the length-weight relationships of the species were calculated. Condition factors of the species...

Author(s): Seth Mensah Abobi and  Werner Ekau