Full Length Research Paper
The experiment was conducted for 90 days of feeding trial at Bako district, Western Ethiopia using twenty yearling male Horro sheep weighing 20.42 ± 0.35 kg (mean ± SD) with the objectives to evaluate the effect of supplementation of nougseed meal and wheat bran mix (1:1) on body weight (BW) gain and carcass characteristics of Horro sheep. The experiment was arranged with four blocks and four treatments in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were ad libitum feeding of urea treated maize husk (UTMH, T1) and untreated maize husk (UMH) supplemented with 200 g (T2), 300 g (T3) and 400 g (T4) of nougseed meal (NSM) and wheat bran (WB) mix (1:1) on the dry matter (DM) basis. Supplementation decreased (P<0.001) UMH DM intake as compared to intake of sole UTMH. Daily BW gain, final BW, empty BW, hot carcass weight and dressing percent (DP) were higher (P<0.001) in supplemented treatments. Sheep fed on the high level of supplementation (T4) had significantly heavier (P<0.001) rib eye muscle area and more muscle deposition. It was concluded that supplementation of Horro sheep with different levels of NSM and WB mix promoted BW gain, (DP) and increased the proportion of edible offal. Increasing trend of BW gain between the different levels of supplementation during the trial used in this study is an indication of the use of additional level than the high (T4) level of supplementation to obtain more BW gain in Horro sheep.
Key words: Body weight, carcass characteristics, concentrate mix, Horro sheep, maize husk.
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