International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 290

Full Length Research Paper

Morphological and serum biochemical characterizations of local pig populations from three different agro-ecological areas of Cameroon

Olivia Sandra Magne Ghomsi
  • Olivia Sandra Magne Ghomsi
  • Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé 1, P. O. Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
  • Google Scholar
Courage Nkahminyuy Wirnkar
  • Courage Nkahminyuy Wirnkar
  • Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Derivatives, National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua, University of Maroua, P. O. Box 814, Maroua, Cameroon.
  • Google Scholar
Kingsley Agbor Etchu
  • Kingsley Agbor Etchu
  • Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IRAD), P. O. Box 2067, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
  • Google Scholar
Luca Fontanesi
  • Luca Fontanesi
  • Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Division of Animal Sciences, University of Bologna, Viale Giuseppe Fanin 46, 40127 Bologna, Italy.
  • Google Scholar
Charles Felix Bilong Bilong
  • Charles Felix Bilong Bilong
  • Department of Animal Biology and Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé 1, P. O. Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
  • Google Scholar
Paul Fewou Moundipa
  • Paul Fewou Moundipa
  • Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé 1, P. O. Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 10 November 2021
  •  Accepted: 20 January 2022
  •  Published: 31 May 2022


A study was carried out to investigate the morphological and biochemical characteristics of local pig populations in three agro-ecological areas of Cameroon from June to September 2018. Morphological and morphometric parameters were measured in 300 pigs (147 males and 153 females) aged 6 to 8 months old. Phenotype characterization of local pigs showed diversity as follows: concave head profile, black coat colour type, plain coat colour pattern, prick ear type, projecting upwards, a long and thin snout type and straight tail. Analysis of variance showed that all quantitative parameters measured in the pigs of the three agro-ecological zones were considered. Comparisons between sexes also revealed differences in some features in some regions. The growth-related parameters were strongly correlated, case of Heart Girth and Head Length, Body Length, Height Withers, Wither Hock, Tail Length, Live Weight; Body Length and Wither Hock, Live Weight; Live Weight and Wither Hock. Local pigs from the bimodal rainfall, Sudano-Sahelian and highland areas of Cameroon showed a great morphological and biochemical diversity; those from the highland are better discriminated from those of the Sudano-Sahelian and bimodal rainfall areas. The cluster analysis of biochemical and morphological features could be congruent, confirming the differentiation of highland pigs from the pigs of the other two agro-ecological zones.

Keywords: Cameroon, Genetic resource, morphological characteristics, blood biochemical characteristics, swine.