International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 291

Article in Press

Performance evaluation of Cobb500 broilers under On-Station management in Pawe, Ethiopia.

Habtie Arega, Ferede Alemu, Mezgebu Getnet, Yalew Abiyu

  •  Received: 01 June 2021
  •  Accepted: 15 July 2021
Cobb-500 broiler is one of the world’s most popular commercial meat chicken breeds. This study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of Cobb-500 broiler under on-station conditions at Pawe Agricultural Research Center. A total of 200 one-day-old chicks and commercial broiler feed were purchased from Alema poultry farm in Bishoftu. Appropriate vaccinations were administered to the chicks while standard bio-security measures were employed throughout the experimental period (45 days). Daily feed intake, weekly body weight, mortality, were recorded, while production costs and revenues were also calculated. On day 45, representative birds were randomly selected, starved, and slaughtered for carcass analysis. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics free R-4.0.4 software. Feed intake and feed conversion ratio of Cobb-500 broiler in this study were comparable to that indicated in the breeder’s guidelines. The mean body weight at 45 days of age was 1887.08 g. The mean carcass weight and dressing percentages were 1419.72g and 73.5%, respectively. The net profit per chicken was 36.92 ETB. The overall flock mortality rate was 1%, where all deaths occurred during the first and second weeks of age. It was concluded that Cobb-500 broilers had good growth and adaptation potential and are profitable, provided appropriate management practices were applied.

Keywords: Cobb-500, Bodyweight, Carcass, Economic evaluation, Feed conversion ratio, Mortality