June 2011
Laying performances and egg quality characteristics of F1 crossbred hens resulting from Label Rouge (T55XSA51) and two local ecotypes as parental lines
The laying performances and the egg quality characteristics of hens of different genotypes were studied, namely: the; local hens of savannah ecotype (Es) , the local hens of forest ecotype (Ef), the Label Rouge (Lr or T55xSA51) and its crossbred products with local ecotypes: LrxEs, EsxLr and EfxLr. In family poultry farms, the hatching rate (HR), the fertility rate (FR), the...
June 2011
Six novel PCR-RFLP loci in milk quality candidate genes in Bubalus bubalis
Prolactin receptor (PRLR) and Peroxisome Proliferator Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha (PPARGC1A) are candidate genes associated with milk protein and fat yield in dairy cattle. These genes were sequence characterized to identify exonic SNPs in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Six novel buffalo specific SNPs were identified and novel PCR-RFLP loci for these SNPs were developed and validated. These loci can...
June 2011
Genetic parameter estimates of pre-weaning weight of Horro (Zebu) and their crosses with Holstein Friesian and Jersey cattle breeds in Ethiopia
The study was carried out between 2006 and 2009 to determine the critical period for cattle farming in Cameroon. Data were collected on-farm using diachronic observations of cattle herds and pastures for 24 months. These data analysed with descriptive and Duncan multiple range test statistics, permitted to show that the period from December to April was critical. This period was characterized by poor forage...