June 2018
Disparities in adverse pregnancy outcomes between advanced maternal age and younger age in Ethiopia: Institution based comparative cross-sectional study
Women older than 35 years are known to beat “advanced maternal age" and considered to be at risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Data, on adverse birth outcomes and the risk factors are still scarce in developing countries including Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to examine the obstetrical outcomes among primiparous and multiparous women of advanced age (35 and above) when compared to the younger age...
June 2018
Women autonomy and maternal healthcare services utilization among young ever-married women in Nigeria
In Nigeria, the lifetime risk of death from pregnancy or childbirth complications is 1 in 30. Maternal healthcare utilisation addresses the risk of maternal mortality and morbidity but its utilisation is influenced by varying factors of which autonomy has been neglected especially for young married women. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between young married women’s level of autonomy and maternal...