Full Length Research Paper
Pilots put their plane in the ideal conditions for the atmosphere to suck it and allow a successful launch; similarly some portions of the ocean surface put a Troposphere column placed above them in ideal temperature and humidity training tornadoes and primary gravity waves that accompany them. To study the behavior of rogue waves triggered by tornadoes in terms of their space and time evolution, that is, their motion and also in terms of mechanical transformations that these systems may suffer in their dealings with other systems, we use Benjamin-Feir equations on gravity waves modulational instability. Spectacular images available on tornadoes when impacting on land allow each of us to have an opinion on the magnitude of the pressure forces deployed by that space weather phenomenon. This study on atmosphere-oceans interactions is unique and based on the effectiveness of Mbanes’ fluid dynamic balance model which provides relevant knowledge on the vertical profile of winds triggered by tornadoes.
Key words: Tornadoes’ gravity waves, modulational instability, Benjamin-Feir equations.
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