Full Length Research Paper
We clearly show the existence of an example of non-contact effect in which the “presence” of a meditator affects bio-samples without physical contact. This is the first report in the world to show this type of effect by scientific measurements. We used edible cucumber slices as bio-sensors and measured the concentrations of gas emitted from the slices by a technique developed by our group. The concentrations of gas emitted from cucumber slices were measured for a total of 672 sample petri dishes; each dish contained four cucumber slices so that a statistically meaningful comparison could be made. We found a statistically significant difference (p=3.13×10-10, t-test, two-tails) in the concentrations of emitted gas between the “presence” and the “absence” of the meditator. Our experimental results clearly indicated that there was a scientifically measurable effect on biological objects with which the meditator had no direct physical contact.
Key words: Non-contact effect, meditator, bio-sensor, cucumber, gas.
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