Full Length Research Paper
The production and adoption of sorghum-improved varieties are faced with biotic and abiotic stresses affecting both its utilization and marketability by different actors in the sorghum value chain. This study aims to understand why and how different social groups and value chain actors make decisions on the utilization of sorghum and how these decisions influence the choice and adoption of the sorghum cultivars introduced and promoted by the breeding programs. This study was conducted in Mali’s Sudan and Savanna zones, wherein the different agroecological zones have differentiated production and utilization realities and traits demand. Mixed methods (surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews) combined with intersectional and value chain approaches were used for data collection and analysis. The data were collected from 836 respondents in 12 villages including 384 females (46%) and 452 males (54%) representing sorghum growers, processors, consumers, and traders. While the findings show gender-specific trait preferences, actors’ traits choices revealed the gender dynamics in value chains in which the different roles, interests, and challenges of men and women influence their choices and adoption of sorghum cultivars. The results also revealed there is an increased opportunity for the sale of sorghum grains (38%); this may be explained by the continuous efforts made by research institutes to develop high-yield sorghum varieties and the evolving processing sector in Mali.
Key words: Sorghum, gender, traits preferences, breeding, Mali.
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