Full Length Research Paper
The purpose of the study was to investigate the information and communication technologies (ICT) resources in use in these churches and the constraints being experienced in the use of these resources. The study adopted a descriptive survey method through random sampling of respondents. The respondents were sampled during the 2010 ministers Conference of The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed and 520 received. The study revealed that, Baptist churches pastors use ICT for sermon preparation, worship and running of teaching materials during service. Findings also showed that, educational background played a great factor in the use of ICT by the pastors themselves and in their churches. Some of the challenges faced by Baptist pastors in the use of ICT principally are lack of ICT education, personnel and finance. The study recommends that, ICT training and education should be a core part of the curriculum in the training of Baptist pastors as most are ignorant of ICT resources and how they can be applied for private and public benefits.
Key words: Information and communication technologies (ICT) resources, Ogbomoso, Baptist churches, pastors.
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