Full Length Research Paper
This study was conducted to identify strategies for evaluation of students’ proficiency in practical skills in NCE (technical) Building Technology Education. Questionnaire was the instrument used in collecting data from respondent. The population for the study comprises of all Technical Teachers in the School of Technical Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Potiskum. There was no sampling employed for this study due to small size of the population. The data obtained were analyzed through the use of means and standard deviation. The study findings revealed that non-availability of practical materials, in adequate training facilities, and the limited time allocated to practical activities are some of the problems often encountered in the evaluation of students’ proficiency in practical skills. It also shows that pre-determination of objectives, preparation of checklist, assessing students’ safety considerations, and assessing students independence in handling practical task, assessing students ability in following the proper steps of procedure, assessing the overall quality of the completed task were some of the strategies that could be adopted for the effective evaluation of students proficiency in practical skills. Based on the finding, conclusion was drawn and it was recommended that two third of a subject involving practical should be allocated to practical, government should make training facilities and materials adequate to technical teachers training institutions, safety education should be emphasized in the teaching and learning of practical skills, Technology Teacher Education should be kept abreast on the new trends of evaluation procedures through continue professional development (CPD).
Key words: Strategies, students’ proficiency, practical skills, vocational and technical education.
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