Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 489

Table of Content: August 2017; 9(8)

August 2017

Value of modern extension methods in improving image and quality of extension: Perception of extension agents in Trinidad and Tobago

Agricultural extension services have undergone a significant transformation in order to effectively address issues of poverty and hunger. It is expected that modern methods of extension will improve image and quality of extension services offered in low-income regions. In Trinidad and Tobago, vibrant and transformative initiatives include institutional pluralism, farmer-led methods, farmer field schools, plant clinics,...

Author(s): Jeet Ramjattan, Wayne Ganpat and Ataharul Chowdhury’

August 2017

The tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) attack in Nigeria: effect of climate change on over-sighted pest or agro-bioterrorism?

The tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) destroyed tomato plants in seven of the Northern states in Nigeria, and has been found in two other states in the South in 2016. The study assessed the incident of the tomato leafminer attack using a questionnaire survey in one of the affected states, for a case study of the problem. A short literature review on bio-ecology of T. absoluta was also conducted, and responses to...

Author(s): Borisade, O. A., Kolawole, A. O., Adebo, G. M. and Uwaidem, Y. I.

August 2017

Patterns and problems of domestic water supply to rural communities in Enugu State, Nigeria

This study investigated the patterns, problems and options for improved domestic water supplies to the rural communities of Enugu State, Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to determine the gap between supply and demand, physical and socio-economic variables that influence the supply situation and suggest options for improved water supply in the area. Data on water use habits were collected from 340 households, in 17...

Author(s): Obeta Michael Chukwuma