Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 490

Table of Content: December 2017; 9(12)

December 2017

Assessing the performance of an irrigation scheme in Okyereko, Ghana

Assessing the performance of an irrigation scheme is an important management function which will indicate the state of the scheme and suggest possible remedial measures to improve the effectiveness of the scheme. This study was conducted to assess the technical and agricultural performances of the Okyereko irrigation scheme in the Central Region of Ghana. Secondary data were collected from the scheme with respect to...

Author(s): K. E. Alordzinu, L. K. Sam-Amoah and J. D. Owusu-Sekyere

December 2017

Rural agricultural development and extension in Mexico: Analysis of public and private extension agents

Agricultural extension in Mexico significantly favors rural development and considers agriculture as a means of promoting economic development by solving problems associated with poverty and food security. The Mexican extension system, as in other Latin American countries, has been transformed into services provided by extensionists (also known as extension agents, or professional service providers). Due to the social,...

Author(s): Areli M. Zamora, Mercedes A. Jiménez Velázquez and José L. García Cué

December 2017

Effect of contract tobacco farming on the welfare of smallholder farmers in Angonia District, Mozambique

The use of contract farming, which constitutes a subject of current debates, especially on the issue of whether or not participating farmers improve their welfare and thus contribute to the local economy as an agricultural intervention is being adopted by many African countries including Mozambique. The Mozambique government adopted contract farming which is being implemented in the central region, mainly involving...

Author(s): Inácio Modesto Cipriano, Isaac Mambo and Charles Masangano