Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 490

Table of Content: January-March 2023; 15(1)

January 2023

Economics and welfare of broiler chicken from selected farms in Kenya

Broiler farming creates wealth for farmers, but the system faces myriad constraints. The objectives of this study were to determine farmer’s willingness to adopt welfare practices, farm biosecurity risks and cost of production from selected farms in Kenya. Primary data were collected using questionnaires from 60 medium-scale and 60 large-scale farms, and secondary data collected on product condemnation and...

Author(s): Joshua Orungo Onono

January 2023

Influence of plant health clinic training services on potato production: Evidence from smallholder farmers in molo sub-county, Kenya

As compared to other African countries, Kenya continues to depend on agriculture as source of food and for economic development. Horticulture forms the bulk of agriculture with potato being ranked first in the vegetable category in terms of production and value. It is a lucrative cash and food crop grown in many parts of Kenya. Molo Sub County being one of the regions where the crop is grown enjoys economic value in...

Author(s): Beatrice Chepkoech, Stephen W. Maina, Joel K. Ng’eno and Atsiaya Obwina Godfrey  

February 2023

Interactions pathways for information exchange among avocado value chain stakeholders

Multi-stakeholder platforms facilitate interaction between stakeholders in the agricultural innovation system. A multi-stakeholder platform is essential to enhance the innovation of avocado value chain stakeholders and avocado planting as a climate-smart practice. Avocados can make a significant contribution to food security and nutrition. Research has shown that research on climate-smart agriculture mainly focuses on...

Author(s): Simon C. Kipchumba Rop, Agnes Oywaya Nkurumwa and Shadrack Kinyua Inoti  

February 2023

Understanding pluralistic agriculture extension services through a social governance lens in Northern Uganda

This study analyzed the relationship between smallholder farmers’ perceptions of pluralistic agricultural extension service and social governance. This was aimed at the identification of significant factors that improve social governance practices of local government planning and budgeting process in northern Uganda. Structured interviews with leaders of smallholder farmer associations were conducted. A...

Author(s): Hannington Odongo Jawoko, Alfonse Opio, Adrian Mwesigye and Rogers Bariyo  

March 2023

Assessment of rural women participation in farmers’ multipurpose cooperatives: The case of Agarfa District, Bale Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Rural women face different obstacles in joining and being active participants in typically male dominated farmers’ cooperatives. The purpose of this study was to assess factors affecting rural women’s participation in multipurpose cooperatives in the Agarfa district. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 204 women members of the multipurpose farmer’s cooperatives from whom data were...

Author(s): Teferi Taye Aduna  and Zenebe Worku Woldeyes    

March 2023

“It All Goes Back to Trust”: A qualitative exploration of extension professionals’ perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines in rural Florida

While urban communities experienced high levels of infection at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, rural communities experienced an increase of confirmed cases during the fall months of 2020. Rural Americans were also among the most hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of [State] extension professionals related to the COVID-19 vaccines in rural communities....

Author(s): Ashley McLeod-Morin, Lisa Lundy, Angela B. Lindsey, Michaela S. Kandzer, Ricky Telg and Tracy Irani