Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 489

Table of Content: January 2018; 10(1)

January 2018

Assessment of on-farm storage of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) and roselle grains (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in Niger

The objective of this study was an assessment of on-farm storage practices for Bambara groundnut and roselle grains in Niger. It is based on a random sample of 164 farmers producing both crops in the Dosso and Maradi regions using a semi-structured questionnaire. Analysis of the data used Probit regression and budgeting. Fifty four percent of respondents use some type of potentially hermetic container for storage of...


January 2018

Perceptions and choices of adaptation measures for climate change among teff (Eragrostis tef) farmers of Southeast Tigray, Ethiopia

This study was conducted in Southeast Tigray of Ethiopia using teff (Eragrostis tef) producing farmers. Teff production with regards to climate change has significant implications on food security and poverty in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to analyze factors influencing choice of adaptation strategies among teff farmers in Ethiopia. A stratified simple random sampling technique was employed to select 210 farm...

Author(s): Felix Moses Tembo, Tewodros Tadesse and Wales Singini

January 2018

Evaluation of frontline demonstration of herbicide (Pyroxsulam) for weed control in bread wheat in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Frontline demonstration of herbicide was conducted in four districts of Tigray Region with objective of improving productivity of unit area and enhancing the income of farming community. Technology demonstration followed by perception assessment survey was conducted on the direct beneficiaries of the technology. A total of 40 farmers were selected purposively. The herbicide and improved bread wheat was offered. Yield,...

Author(s): Luchia Tekle, Hadush Hagos and Hadas Beyene