January 2019
Review on gendered perspective of household’s participation in agricultural activities in Ethiopia
Gender is a crosscutting issue that attracts the attention of development professionals, policy makers and politicians. It is due to the fact that in any development, interventions involvement of women has become compulsory. To this end, considering the roles of men and women is very important, and gender roles vary across culture. In Ethiopia where agriculture is the backbone of the economy, the participation of women...
January 2019
Enhancing sorghum yield through demonstration of improved sorghum varieties in Tanqua-Abergelle Wereda, Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia
With the aim of improving food security through enhanced production and productivity of sorghum a demonstration of two improved sorghum varieties (Chare and Melkam) was conducted in two selected Kebelle (Shekha-Tekhli and Agbe) of Tanqua-Abergelle Wereda. A total of 100 farming households (88 male and 12 female) who are beneficiaries of the Productive Safety Net Program were purposively selected. Each farmer planted the...