July 2017
Contributions of farmers’ organizations to rural development: Case of North West farmers’ organization in Mezam Division, Cameroon
This works aim to discuss the contribution of farmers’ organizations to rural development, particularly the case of North West Farmers’ Organization (NOWEFOR). This study was carried out from January to November, 2014 in Mezam Division of the North west Region of Cameroon. 100 farmer’s members of NOWEFOR were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire and 20 leaders were interviewed using an...
July 2017
Local knowledge of maturity indicators for priority fruits and vegetables in Uganda
Local knowledge on maturity indicators is important in determining optimal time of harvesting fruits and vegetables. These farm products are increasingly becoming a valuable source of livelihood for many rural families through household consumption and trade. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of literature on the integration of local knowledge and practices in improving maturity assessment techniques with the view of...