November 2017
Understanding actor innovation behavior: The application of network governance theory in agricultural innovation platforms
Innovation platforms are increasingly being used as a means of operationalizing innovation systems thinking. Agricultural innovation platforms are intended to bring together a number of stakeholders to promote an identified agricultural innovation. This is done through exchange of knowledge and other valuable resources to solve common problems. However, given the relatively new nature of innovation platforms, there is...
November 2017
Harmonization of extension messages on climate smart agriculture in Malawi: Do we speak with one voice, and to whom?
Poor access to extension services has been one of the major challenges that smallholder farmers in Malawi face. Dissemination of agricultural technologies is mainly done through field level extension workers and lead farmers; however, such workers are few in number. In addition to this, there is lack of harmonization of messages, approaches and methods in extension delivery at field level. Using baseline cross-sectional...
November 2017
Access to dry season water and small ruminants market integration in the Nadowli District of Upper West Region of Ghana
Against a background of disconnect between high demand for small ruminants and limited market integration of small ruminants in the interior savannah agro-ecological zone of Ghana, the objective of this study was to assess the effects of differential access to dry season water on small ruminant production and market integration in the Nadowli District of Ghana. The study obtained data from 389 small ruminant households...