October 2017
Utilization of climate change adaptation strategies among rice farmers in three states of Nigeria
The phenomenon of climate change has negative impacts on rice production in Nigeria as it lowers its output and reduces farmers’ income with a resultant depreciation in their livelihood. This accentuates the need for adaptation to climate change in order to reduce the growing dependency on rice importation, ensure food security as well as achieve a sustainable rice production system in Nigeria. The study therefore...
October 2017
Gender division of labor and rural women’s control over productive resources: The case of Dita and Mirab Abaya districts, Gamo Gofa zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR), Ethiopia
This study aimed to identify the existing gender division of labor, rural women’s control over productive resources and its effect on the stated poverty reduction strategy. Group discussion with key informants, field observation and interview with rural women was done to obtain primary data. The analysis was done by using SPSS software. Man biased division of labor, particularly on productive activities and...
October 2017
Management performance of farmers’ groups and its impact on membership: A prerequisite for group sustainability in Trinidad
The Government of Trinidad has implemented plans to promote the establishment of new farmers’ groups and also strengthen existing groups. It is expected that extension officers will work more with farmers in groups to increase extension-to-farmer interactions. Groups however, have not been sustainable in Trinidad. The study examined group members’ perceptions of how management functions are performed, and...