Full Length Research Paper
This study aimed at investigating the extent to which US College students know about human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) transmission, infection and prevention, and the transfer of such knowledge to sexual behavior change. The findings showed that college students’ knowledge about HIV/AIDS was very good, and that such knowledge was transferable to real life experience, in their interaction with members of the opposite sex. The investigation was based on 58 college students drawn from a private college in New York City. The method of data analysis was quantitative, consisting of frequencies, percentage and chi-square. The implication of the study was that public education on HIV/AIDS is fruitful, and that at the same time, there is need for its continuation, as there are still misconceptions about HIV/AIDS regarding its transmission, infection and prevention.
Key words: College students, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) transmission, HIV/AIDS prevention, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS denial.
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