Full Length Research Paper
This study was designed to investigate current awareness and knowledge levels of high school students about human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in a very popular tourism city Mugla, Turkey. The participants were consisted of 1184 students from 11 secondary schools in Mugla and asked to fill out a questionnaire form, which was consisted of 50 questions. The form contained two scales, one of socio-demographical property of the individuals and the other scale was about knowledge levels of students. The findings present a clear data of the well known dilemma of knowing the right thing and doing wrong about risks of those that should beware of AIDS. The average knowledge levels of students were found to be moderate with a score of 71.15 ± 4.87. All socio-demographic properties were found to be effective on knowledge levels of students. The results indicated that all students were aware of AIDS and know prevention methods, but they did not know the main target for what or whom they protect themselves.
Key words: High school students, knowledge levels, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Mugla.
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