Journal of
Cell and Animal Biology

  • Abbreviation: J. Cell Anim. Biol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0867
  • DOI: 10.5897/JCAB
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 262

Full Length Research Paper

The occurrence of Cysticercus bovis at Gondar ELFORA Abattoir, Northwest of Ethiopia

Ezeddin Adem
  • Ezeddin Adem
  • Metema Woreda Office of Agriculture and Rural Development, Metema, Gondar, Ethiopia.
  • Google Scholar
Tewodros Alemneh*
  • Tewodros Alemneh*
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Gondar, P.O. Box: 196, Gondar, Ethiopia.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 24 June 2016
  •  Accepted: 05 September 2016
  •  Published: 30 September 2016


A cross-sectional survey was undertaken in the abattoir to study the prevalence of Cysticercus bovis in cattle originated from different localities and to determine the cyst prevalence as well as distribution in different organs within infected animals in Gondar ELFORA abattoir. Out of the total 450 cattle slaughtered and examined at Gondar ELFORA abattoir, 9 animals (2.0%) were identified positive for C. bovis infection. Predilection sites for C. bovis were observed and their relative infestation rates were recorded. As a result of this study, predominantly cysts were found on shoulder muscle (55.56%) followed by masseter muscle (33.33%) and tongue (11.11%). The prevalence and occurrence of C. bovis was also studied based on the geographical locations of slaughtered cattle. Accordingly, cattle from low lands and high lands had showed a prevalence of 6.45 and 0.307%, respectively. In conclusion, C. bovis is prevalent and is one of the major parasitic diseases that causes huge carcass condemnation of slaughtered animals and poses serious financial lose in the socio-economy of the study area. Therefore, public health awareness should be created on improving personal and environmental hygiene for breaking the life cycle of the disease.

Key words: Cysticercus bovis, Gondar ELFORA, prevalence, Ethiopia.