Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study was to examine factors influencing household income from small scale irrigation schemes using a case study of a government funded irrigation scheme of Etunda and a community initiated irrigation scheme of Epalela in Namibia. A weighted least square model was used to analyze data that was collected from household heads from the schemes. The key finding of this paper were that small scale irrigation is dominated by male farmers. In terms of factors influencing household income levels from government funded irrigation scheme gender whereas for community initiated scheme access to farm equipment was the main determinant, respectively. It is interesting to note the estimated coefficient were negative implying that as age increase the productivity will be reduced implying that the requirement for policy shift. The implication is that there is need for policy instruments to address gender balance. Moreover, it is highly recommended to (i) strengthen technical and organizational capacity (farmers associations, groups, cooperatives) of farmers, (ii) strengthen producers’ human capital so as to improve their ability to draft viable business plans and record keeping, and (iii) to extend public sector support to community initiated irrigation schemes in the area of technology and irrigation infrastructure required.
Key words: Small scale irrigation production, weighted least square model, institutional arrangements, livelihoods.
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