Journal of
Development and Agricultural Economics

  • Abbreviation: J. Dev. Agric. Econ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9774
  • DOI: 10.5897/JDAE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 558

Table of Content: August 2011; 3(8)

August 2011

Assessing the technical efficiency of commercial egg production in Tanzania for improved livelihoods

This study examined the productivity and technical efficiency (TE) of egg production in Tanzania under the intensive system. A multistage random sampling procedure was employed for selecting 80 respondents from two districts; Kibaha and Ilala. This study utilizes the most recent developments in stochastic frontier modeling as specified for a one-step process in Limdep software. Results indicated that the mean TE of egg...

Author(s): Oleke, J. M. and Isinika, A. C.

August 2011

Comparisons of LSMS-ISA data collection and dissemination efforts in Central America

This article aims the comparison of LSMS survey in Central American countries to increase current knowledge of survey methodologies and ensure the most efficient dissemination and utilization of the results.It will improve the availability,quality and relevance of agricultural data for policy and research in Central America. The criterion for this comparison consists of household survey data...

Author(s): Carlos Alberto Zuniga González

August 2011

Socio-economic analysis of melon production in Ifelodun Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria

This study examined the socio-economic characteristics of melon production in Ifelodun Local Government Area, Kwara State. Primary data were basically used for the study. They were obtained through interview schedule with a well structured questionnaire. A 2-stage random sampling technique was used in selecting the sampling for the study. A total of 120 farming households engaged in melon production were used. Data were...

Author(s): Mohammed, B. T.

August 2011

Economic crossroads: The experiences of Nigeria and lessons from Malaysia

Nigeria has the potential to become Sub-Saharan Africa’s largest economy and a major player in the global economy by virtue of its human and natural resource endowment. These potentials have remained untapped, and if current trends continue, Nigeria runs the risk of not meeting the internationally agreed millennium development goals (MDGs) by 2015. This paper is an attempt to assess the economic performance in...

Author(s): Okezie, C. A. and Amir, Baharuddin H.

August 2011

The influence of market barriers and farm income risk on non-farm income diversification

Empirical evidence shows that non-farm income diversification is associated with higher welfare among farm households. However, most studies have ignored market barriers and farm income risk in explaining income diversification behaviour. This study develops a theoretical framework that includes both market barriers and farm income risk, in addition to other factors, in explaining income diversification behaviour. The...

Author(s): Edward Olale

August 2011

Factors affecting the training of farm workers in Free State Province, South Africa

Farm workers are amongst the workers that are central to the productivity and efficiency of food production. Food and agricultural sector in South Africa cannot achieve their global competitiveness without a properly skilled and technologically wise farm workforce. In order for this sector to effectively prevent food insecurity in South Africa and in Southern African Development Communities (SADC), famers and other...

Author(s): Victor Mmbengwa, Lucius Botes, Mazuru Gundidza, Khathutshelo Nephawe and Norman Maiwashe

August 2011

Dynamics of the agricultural economy of Andhra Pradesh, India since the last five decades

Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest state in India, with agriculture as a major source of income for about 60% of its population. In the last 50 years, the annual growth rate of agriculture has been 2.88%, which is far below the target growth of 4% per annum. Further, Andhra Pradesh is divided into three district regions with growing demand for separate state from less developed regions. The paper examined regional...

Author(s): A. Amarender Reddy

August 2011

Relative importance of common bean attributes and variety demand in the drought areas of Kenya

The analysis assessed the relative importance of production and consumption attributes to different wealth groups of households and tested the effect of attribute preference and that of other factors on common bean variety demand in the drought areas of Eastern Kenya. Variety demand was conceptualized within the agricultural household framework and attributes were incorporated into the model according to the Lancaster...

Author(s): Enid Katungi, Louise Sperling, David Karanja, Andrew Farrow and Steeve Beebe