Full Length Research Paper
This study examined the socio-economic characteristics of melon production in Ifelodun Local Government Area, Kwara State. Primary data were basically used for the study. They were obtained through interview schedule with a well structured questionnaire. A 2-stage random sampling technique was used in selecting the sampling for the study. A total of 120 farming households engaged in melon production were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and budgetary analysis. The result of the socio-economic characteristics shows that melon production is in the hand of aged, married and experienced farmers. Farming is the major occupation of the respondent while majority have the ability to read and write. The result of the costs and returns analysis revealed that Gross Margin was N1, 263.81. While some of the problems were identified as poor yield, water scarcity and non-availability of credit. It is concluded that melon production is viable in the study area, thus credit facilities should be provided so that farmers can get more returns.
Key words: Melon (Citrullus colcynthis), melon production, socio-economic analysis, Ifelodun.
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