July 2011
Exploration of food security situation in the Nile basin region
The top economic development challenges in the Nile Basin region are food insecurity, poor infrastructure, chronic poverty and political instability. While these issues are interrelated, food security assumes a greater dimension at both national and regional levels. Hence, an eclectic approach is used to underscore food security indicators in River Nile basin. Food security is a multidimensional conceptualization of...
July 2011
Gender aspect in adoption of commercial poultry production among peri-urban farmers in Kericho Municipality, Kenya
The main objective of this study was to assess the extent of gender effects on adoption of intensive commercial poultry production system by peri-urban farmers. The sample frame was divided into two strata made up of adopters and non-adopters. To select respondents, systematic sampling procedure was applied for both strata. To identify those variables that influence the gender control of poultry enterprise, a two-limit...
July 2011
Monitoring and evaluation report of "the impact of information and communication technology service (ICTs) among end users in the ministry of agriculture and cooperatives in Zambia"
Agriculture constitutes a key livelihood source for over 75% of the rural households in Zambia. A total of 1,305, 783 households in Zambia are totally dependent on agriculture for their livelihood and are classified as agricultural households (CSO, 2000). Most (81.8%) of the population in agricultural households is based in rural areas of the country. Of the 1,305,783 agricultural households, 99.2% is engaged in crop...
July 2011
Analysis of avocado marketing in Trans-Nzoia district, Kenya
The ability of small holder farmers to plant trees or expand traditional tree based system is limited to a number of factors. These factors are scarcity of resources, inadequate technical capacity and experience and market disincentives. Marketing of agro forestry produce is crucial for increasing the available money in the farming sector. Unfortunately, there is little information and experience on the dynamics of...
July 2011
Analyzing the sources of technical efficiency among heterogeneous dairy farms: A quantile regression approach
An unbalanced panel data including 1,151 farm observations from 2004 to 2008 was used to analyze the determinants of technical efficiency (TE) for dairy farms in the State of Wisconsin. To account for farm heterogeneity in our analysis we implemented a two-step framework using a stochastic production frontier and a quantile regression analysis. The results show that the determinants of TE affected farmers with...
July 2011
Rural livelihood diversification and agricultural household welfare in Ghana
Sufficient time has elapsed since agricultural sector reforms got underway in Ghana and so this study examined how some selected proxies of the reforms have changed overtime and evaluated their relative importance in influencing rural livelihood diversification and household welfare. In doing this, data was pooled from the 1991/1992 and 2005/2006 Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS) and the endogenous switching...
July 2011
Determination of the sacrifice rate in Turkey, Brazil and Italy: A comparison among countries
The ongoing research on output and inflation tradeoff contradiction is what most nations’ central banks are facing currently. After a long inflationary period, which started in 2001, Turkey has also become successful in overcoming and curbing down the inflation rate with fiscal and monetary policy measures. Although the general acceptance of output sacrifice for inflationary improvements is a common...