Journal of
Development and Agricultural Economics

  • Abbreviation: J. Dev. Agric. Econ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9774
  • DOI: 10.5897/JDAE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 556

Full Length Research Paper

The impact of socio-economic factors on livestock farmers’ knowledge and skills in the Eastern Cape Province: The case of Marselle farmers

Tshuma M. C.
  • Tshuma M. C.
  • Rural Appropriate Technology Unit, Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, Rural Development Branch, P. O. Box 225, Umtata, 5100, South Africa.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 26 May 2016
  •  Accepted: 14 November 2017
  •  Published: 30 April 2022

How to cite this article

Tshuma, M. C. (2022). The impact of socio-economic factors on livestock farmers’ knowledge and skills in the Eastern Cape Province: The case of Marselle farmers. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 14(2), 41-49.
Chicago /
Tshuma M. C.  . "The impact of socio-economic factors on livestock farmers’ knowledge and skills in the Eastern Cape Province: The case of Marselle farmers." Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 14, no. 2 (2022): 41-49.
Tshuma M. C.  . "The impact of socio-economic factors on livestock farmers’ knowledge and skills in the Eastern Cape Province: The case of Marselle farmers." Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 14.2 (2022): 41-49.